
rén mín jiào shī
  • people's teacher
人民教师 [rén mín jiào shī]
  • [people's teacher] 我国称学校中从事教学、培养学生的专门人员

  1. 我会决然的去当一名“伟大”的人民教师,但现在我该如何选择?

    I decidedly will work as " great " people 's teacher , but how should I select now ?

  2. 我们应无愧于人民教师的称号。

    We will live up to the title of people 's teacher .

  3. 人民教师理应受到尊敬。

    The people 's teachers ought to be respected .

  4. 今年是决胜全面建成小康社会、决战脱贫攻坚之年,全国广大教师用爱心和智慧阻断贫困代际传递,点亮万千乡村孩子的人生梦想,展现了当代人民教师的高尚师德和责任担当。

    This year is the time to secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieve the goal of poverty alleviation and sense of responsibility of contemporary teachers .

  5. 我们要提高人民教师的政治地位和社会地位。

    We must raise the political and social status of teachers .

  6. 人民教师是培养革命后代的园叮。

    The people 's teachers are gardeners cultivating our revolutionary successors .

  7. 当一名合格的人民教师,现在我正在努力。

    When a qualified people teacher , I am in effort now .

  8. 作为人民教师的你听了这句话有何感想?

    Teachers as the people listening to this you feel ?

  9. 祖国的未来与人民教师的使命。

    The future of nation and the mission of teachers .

  10. 培养合格的人民教师是高等师范院校的办学目标。

    The purpose of running a teachers college is to cultivate qualified people 's teachers .

  11. 还有那为了边疆教育事业而献出自己一生的人民教师冯志远;

    Feng Zhiyuan , an ordinary teacher , dedicated his whole life to the education of border areas .

  12. 作为未来的人民教师,对于他们来说,不但要有渊博的知识,而且更要有高尚的道德情操。

    As the would be teachers , they should possess the moral nobility as well as the profound knowledge .

  13. 人民教师应该成为美的使者,即应该成为内在美与外在美相互统一的美的载体。

    Teachers should become beautiful emissary , that is , the beautiful carriar which integrates internal beauty and external beauty .

  14. 大地震中见证了人民教师的伟大师爱,揭示了人民教师师德与责任的崇高境界。

    China has witnessed teachers great love in the May12 Earthquake , which is a combination of teachers morality and responsibility .

  15. 只有把握住这两个特征,才能培养出新世纪的人才,才能当好新世纪人民教师。

    Only by knowing this can we cultivate the talents of the new century and become qualified teachers of the new century .

  16. 特殊教育专业的大学生是未来的人民教师,他们的教学能力如何影响到特殊教育的发展和特殊教育的质量。

    Special education students are the future teachers , and how their teaching abilities affect the quality of special education and special education quality .

  17. 二十多年来,我们已经建立了一支人民教师队伍。全国有教师九百万人。

    In the past two decades and more , we have built up a contingent of nine million teachers devoted to serving the people .

  18. 汶川灾区教师们在大灾大难面前无所畏惧、舍生忘死的行为表现,展示了人民教师以责任、作风和技能为核心的优良专业道德。

    Such dauntless and selfless spirit greatly displays teachers excellent professional ethics in which the core is responsibility , the style of work and skills .

  19. 师范生作为未来人民教师的后备力量,师范生的专业素质高低直接影响学校教育的质量高低。

    As the reserve strength of the future teachers , the professional quality of the Normal College Students could affect the quality of the education at school .

  20. 对免费教育师范生的职业理想教育状况,直接关系到免费师范生职业理想的确立,关系到能否把免费师范生培养成为优秀的人民教师和教育家。

    Career education of tuition-free normal university students has a direct relation with the establishment of their career aspirations and the cultivation of outstanding teachers and educators .

  21. 并且提出了改变现状,加强计算机普及与提高教育,培养合格的人民教师应该采取的措施。

    The paper also suggests some measures to be taken to change the status quo , reinforce and improve the computer education for training qualified people 's teachers .

  22. 以高尚的师德严格要求自己成为一名合格的人民教师。

    If I were a teacher , I would be glorious and respectable , because as is known to us all , teaching is the brightest cause in the world .

  23. 仅靠思想政治专业教师、仅靠思想政治课,来完成中师生的师德教育,不可能培养出具有优秀师德观念的人民教师。

    Depending only on teachers from political science field to carry out the vocationally moral education towards normal college 's students is impossible to realization of cultivation of extraordinary people 's teachers .

  24. 也许,这根本不算什么成果,但它确实是一个普通的人民教师用自己顽强的步履,走出来的一串串坚实的脚印;

    Perhaps this is not what the outcome , but it really is an ordinary teacher of the people walking in their own tenacity , coming out of a string of solid footprint ;

  25. 师范生作为未来的人民教师,能否胜任新课程语文课堂教学,直接取决于其教学技能。

    Whether the students in normal universities , who are to be the teachers in future , are qualified for classroom Chinese teaching of new curriculum is directly depends on their teaching skills .

  26. 教师的职业道德,顾名思义就是指人民教师在从事教育活动中,必须遵循的道德规范和行为准则以及与之相适应的道德观念、情操和品质。

    Teachers ' ethics , he refers to the people in the education activities , must observe the moral standard and code of conduct and to meet the moral consciousness , emotion and quality .

  27. 认为作为一名人民教师,既要加强思想政治修养,也要提升教学能力,培养良好的工作作风,在教学实践中积极改造自己的世界观。

    Considers that it 's necessary for a teacher to strengthen his political culture , improve the teaching capacity , form a good attitude to the job and enhance his view of world through teaching practice .

  28. 作为一名人民教师,我深刻认识到民族精神在学生成长过程中的重要作用,希望通过探索民族精神教育的途径,加强历史学科中的民族精神教育,突出中学生民族精神的培养。

    Being a teacher , Deeply I have realized national spirit is important for the growth of the students , I hope to explore ways of strengthening national spirit training in the historic teaching for middle school students .

  29. 本文认为,21世纪高等师范教育应培养自我实现型人民教师,这是社会历史的必然。

    Higher normal education should cultivate teachers of self-realization type , and it 's a necessity under the development of society and this type of teachers will have a characteristic which is different from that in the past .

  30. 构建和谐校园办好人民满意的教师教育

    To Construct Harmonious Campus to Meet the People 's Demand of the Well-pleasing Education