
  • 网络Teamwork;Collaboration;Teamwork Ability
  1. 较强的团队协作能力和客户取向精神。

    Strong teamwork and customer orientation spirit .

  2. 经常对领导技能和团队协作能力进行评估将有助于避免这些问题发生。

    Frequent evaluations of leadership skills and teamwork ability would help to limit these problems .

  3. 通过“群面”,用人单位可以对应聘者的沟通和人际交往能力、说服力、对别人的影响力、领导能力、任务分配技巧、组织与计划能力,以及团队协作能力等进行考察。

    The skills been observed include communication and interpersonal ability , persuasiveness3 and the ability to influence others , leadership and delegation4 , organizational and planning skills and the ability to work and contribute as a team-member .

  4. 真人CS主要是增强员工凝聚力与团队协作能力。

    Honorable person CS is mainly strengthens the staff cohesive force and team cooperation ability .

  5. 目前,成熟的UML工具早已数不胜数,UML建模工具可与软件生命周期管理相结合,提高团队协作能力,进而提高团队生产力和产品质量。

    At present , there are a lot of UML tools . And they combine with software lifecycle management , improve team collaboration capabilities . So team productivity and product quality can be improved .

  6. 具备良好的团队协作能力;

    Familiar with Linux , good skill of shell programming .

  7. 良好的团队协作能力亦是我建立融洽的充满热情的团队的基石。

    Outstanding team work capability facilitates me to build a passionate team .

  8. 具有良好的沟通和团队协作能力;

    Have good communication skill and team working ability .

  9. 具有开创精神、良好的沟通能力、团队协作能力和解决问题的能力;

    Entrepreneurial , a good communicator and team worker , and could solve problems ;

  10. 具有良好的沟通能力、主动性和团队协作能力;

    Self motivated and able to work on own initiative as well as in a team ;

  11. 激发学员的学习兴趣,促进学员学习效率的提高,同时增强团队协作能力。

    Aim : To motivate the interest of learning English , improve English learning efficiency and teamwork cooperation .

  12. 人事经理们认为年会是展现一个人团队协作能力的绝佳时机。

    They can be a great opportunity to demonstrate your ability to work hard in a team , say HR managers .

  13. 传统的运动能帮助人们通过激烈的竞争或者提高团队协作能力。

    Traditional sports provide a way for individuals to push themselves through the challenge of competition , or work together as a team .

  14. 其次培养大学生交际协作能力。这一能力包括交往能力和团队协作能力。

    Secondly , universities should cultivate the ability of interpersonal collaboration of undergraduates , which is divided into abilities of interpersonal communication and team cooperation .

  15. 为了这个目标,要培养学生的动手操作能力、市场竞争能力、适应社会能力、交际沟通能力、团队协作能力、开拓创新能力等。

    Basic vocational abilities mainly refer to the practical , market competitive , adapting to the society , social communication , group cooperation and creative abilities .

  16. 但顾问乔治•布莱特却认为小组面试是最有效的方式之一,通过这种方式,可以从一开始就找出具有团队协作能力的潜在求职者。

    But consultant George Bradt says the group format is one of the most organic ways to spot the ability of potential employees to work in teams from the get-go .

  17. 作为一项智力与体力并重的智慧型体育运动项目,它不仅能强健体魄,而且对促进学生心理素质的发展、提高学生的团队协作能力、创新能力有着重要意义。

    As a mental and physical strength-support sports items , it can not only enhance physical fitness , but also promote the development of students ' teamwork , innovation quality .

  18. 项目教学法不仅能提高学生学习的兴趣,增强学生的学习能力,交流能力,创新能力和团队协作能力,而且还有利于教师很好地完成教学任务,提高教学质量。

    It can not only develop students learning interest , enhance their study ability , communication ability , creation ability and cooperation ability , but also teachers carry out teaching tasks well , and develop teaching quality .

  19. 具体设计到目标的设定,目标的实现以及需要教师角色转变等,最终使学生的学习能力、解决问题能力、处理信息能力和团队协作能力有所提高。

    Specific design to goal setting , goals and the need for the changing role of teachers , etc. , and finally to student learning , problem solving ability , ability to process information and team collaboration improved .

  20. 现代社会对管理人才的衡量标准越来越高,不仅要有深厚的文化底蕴,而且要具备成功智力&即分析解决问题能力、创新能力、实践能力和团队协作能力等。

    In modern society , managing talent 's standards are becoming higher and higher , they must have not only profound knowledge , but also successful intelligence which is ability of analysing and solving problems , ability of innovation , ability of practice and cooperation etc.

  21. 具备良好的敬业精神和团队组织协作能力,良好的沟通和学习能力,能很快适应并熟练新工作。

    Possess a high level of professionalism and team collaboration capability , Good communication and learning ability , Skilled and able to adapt quickly to new jobs .

  22. 我掌握了很扎实的电子和计算机原理知识,有较强的教导别人和团队协作的能力,还有对学习与各种挑战的热情。

    I bring along a strong grasp of fundamentals in Electronics and Computers , an aptitude for teaching and team work , a zest for challenges and an enthusiastic desire to learn all I can .

  23. 具备优良的设计创作及表现能力,具有团队领导和协作能力,组织管理沟通能力强,客户服务意识强,具有完善的中英文语言口头和书面表达能力,熟知中国建筑规范和建筑施工操作惯例。

    Requirements include graphic representation , team leadership , coordination , and management skill , client service and communication skill , and strong Chinese Mandarin and English verbal and written language skills , and strong knowledge of Chinese building codes and construction practices .

  24. 招聘发展一支优秀的团队,建立团队协作能力,为客户提供等值回报。

    Recruit and develop a talent team , build up capability of team working , delivering equally value to customer .

  25. 调查内容涉及职业价值观与态度、团队协作精神、沟通能力、心理调控能力、适应能力、临床工作能力、自我发展能力等。

    Survey content was involved in the professional value and attitude , spirit of group cooperation , interpersonal communication ability , psycho-control ability , adaptability , clinical working ability and the ability of self-development .

  26. 我们的团队搭配了本地和外籍精英,团队协作能力强,并精通英文、阿拉伯语、普通话、粤语和台语。

    Our dynamic team , a mixture of locals and expatriates , is fluent in English , Arabic , Mandarin , Cantonese , Taiwanese .