
tuán liàn
  • militia;civil corps
团练 [tuán liàn]
  • (1) [civil corps]∶从宋至民国初年的为地主阶级镇压农民起义的反动武装组织

  • (2) [military training]∶组织起来进行军事训练

  • (3) [militia] 由群众组织的自卫团体

  • 谢庄团练 冯。-- 清. 徐珂《清稗类钞.战事类》

  1. 对凯瑟林来说单练好还是团练好?

    Q.Which is better with Catherine , solo or group ?

  2. 又因为盗匪问题,地方团练反而得以发展。

    The local military power also developed on account of bandit problems at that time .

  3. 清代团练作为一种基层社会控制组织,一直受到研究者的重视。

    As an organization of social control in grass-root society , tuan'lien has been emphasized by researchers .

  4. 甲午战争时期延边越垦韩民团练及其反对日本奸细的斗争

    Local Militia Units of Korean Emigrants in Yanbian and the Struggle against Japanese Spy in the Period of Sino-Japanese War

  5. 在内外交困的局势下,朝廷不得不倚重团练武装的防御功能。

    Be beset with troubles internally and externally in the situation , the court had relied on militia armed defense function .

  6. 省级官员主要是组织山东地方兵、勇防剿捻军,而地方基层官员主要是组织团练,加强地方防御。

    Officials at the provincial level mainly organized Shandong army to suppress the Nien and grass-roots officials mainly organized local civil corps to strengthen defense .

  7. 另一方面,更多的普通民众,为了躲避战乱,免受兵燹之苦,在地方士绅的带领下,纷纷组织团练,以此保卫桑梓。

    On the other hand , more ordinary people organized civil corps under the leadership of local gentry in order to avoid war and defend their hometown .

  8. 第二部分介绍李续宾首倡团练的基本情况并对学术界对湘军源流的不同观点进行评价。

    The second part is the introduction for his starting the civil corps , and the evaluation of the different perspectives in the academic field for the origin of the Xiang Army .

  9. 以湘、淮军为主的勇营军制的崛起使汉人在晚清提督、总兵和团练将领任职中占绝大多数,从全国区域分布来看,又以湖南和安徽两省人数居多;

    But the rise of the Brave-Army System made Han people accouted for the majority in other army posts , and the numbers of military generals in Hunan and Anhui provinces were the most .

  10. 在军事方面,这里既有清政府的绿营兵、淮军,还有团练,在太平军中,也存在着不同的派系,犬牙交错,互相争斗。清代云南绿营兵研究

    In the military field , there were the conflicts in armed forces of Qing government and factional conflicts in Taiping army . A Study of Green Standard Army in Yunnan during the Qing Dynasty

  11. 清末地方军事化中的国家与社会以广东团练为例《大公报》对军国民教育思潮的宣传以清末民初为主

    On the State and Society in the Regionalized Military in the Late Qing Dynasty On Da Gong Bao 's drumbeating of education of military training for people & Take early Republic of China as example

  12. 针对地方绅权的扩展,广东官方一面积极参与巡警的创建,力图控制新兴的警察力量,同时又设法利用新的警察制度收归原有的地方团练。

    Due to the expansion of the power of local gentry , the government took active part in the establishment of the patrol police system in order to control this newly-born police power , and attempted to merge the existing local military power into the police system .