
lì bù
  • Ministry of Personnel;the Ministry of Official Personnel Affairs in feudal China;Ministry of Official Personal Affairs in feudal China
吏部 [lì bù]
  • (1) [Ministry of Official Personal Affairs in feudal China] 古代官制六部之一。主管吏的任免、考课、升降、调动等事务。长官为吏部尚书。位次在其他各部之上

  • 时韩愈吏部权 京兆。-- 宋. 胡仔《苕溪渔隐丛话》

  • 吏部拟用左通政。--清. 张廷玉《明史》

  • (2) 又

  • 道改南京吏部右侍郎

吏部[lì bù]
  1. 在这些部门中,吏部是最重要的。

    Of these , the Ministry of Civil Affairs ranked highest .

  2. 吏部——负责官员的任免、培训和解雇;

    The Ministry of Civil Affairs - responsible for the appointment , training and dismissal of officials .

  3. 从广义的科举范围来看,以诗取士的用人原则最初产生于吏部官员的录用考试,进而被引入其它考试。

    In the broad terms of the imperial examination , the principles of poetry test to select officials was originally emerged in the examination of the board of civil service officials , which was subsequently introduced in the other examinations .

  4. 韩愈被尊为“唐宋八大家”之首,去世时被追封为礼部尚书(应该是吏部侍郎),谥号“文”。

    He is considered the first of the renowned " Eight Masters of the Tang and Song . " At his death the title of president of the ministry of rites was conferred upon him , as well as the epithet " Master of Letters , " both great honours .

  5. 其中一道圣旨颁发于成化十一年,长3.42米,宽33厘米,全文412字,大意为皇帝赞扬时任吏部尚书的崔氏先人崔恭效力任事,尽职尽责。

    One of the edicts , issued in the 11th year of Emperor Chenghua 's reign , is 3.42 meters long and 33 centimeters wide and has 412 words , in which the emperor praised Cui 's ancestor Cui Gong , the personnel minister at that time , for his hard work and diligence .