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  1. 六是大量的吏卒家属。

    Families of the six is a large number of collectors stroke .

  2. 粮食供给是军队后勤给养中的一项重要内容。汉代边塞地区军粮主要供给吏卒及其家属,也用于借贷和马、牛、驼、狗之食。

    The grain supply is very important in logistics .

  3. 从已经公布的居延汉简中看,汉代屯戍吏卒的“私去署”、“不在署”现象非常严重。

    According to public Jujan bamboo slips in the Han Dynasty , there existed a bad one 's post .

  4. 汉代屯戍组织中的吏卒间社会地位相对平等,并享有平等的法律地位。

    The soldiers in the garrison army in the border areas during the Han dynasty enjoyed relatively equal social and legal status with the officers .

  5. 长期远距离驻军和作战,如何保证及时、充足的后勤补给以及如何保证屯戍吏卒的正常生活,成为汉政府一个亟待解决的重要问题。

    Long distance garrison and combat , how to ensure timely , adequate logistic supply and how to guarantee the normal daily life of Garrison officials stroke into a Chinese Government an important problem to be solved urgently .

  6. 本文指出,汉代屯戍吏卒的生活并非我们想象的那样苛繁悲惨,他们可以在日常工作之外可以参与一定的文化、娱乐活动,这也是西北屯戍防务机制能够长期有效运行的保障之一。

    This article points out that , the daily life of garrison officers was not as onerous and tragic as we imagined , they can take part in certain entertainment and cultural learning activities , and these measures guaranteed the defensive system of northwest operated effectively in a long period .