首页 / 词典 / good

  • ceremony;rite;courtesy;ceremonial observances in general
  • 社会生活中,由于道德观念和风俗习惯而形成的仪节:婚~。丧(sāng)~。典~。

  • 符合统治者整体利益的行为准则:~教(jiào)。~治。克己复~。

  • 表示尊敬的态度和动作:~让。~遇。~赞。~尚往来。先~后兵。

  • 表示庆贺、友好或敬意所赠之物:~物。~金。献~。

  • 古书名,《礼记》的简称。

  • 姓。


(仪式) ceremonial observances in general; ceremony; rite:

  • 婚礼


  • 葬礼

    burial rites; funeral;

  • 典礼

    formal ceremony


(表示尊敬的言语或动作) courtesy; etiquette; manners:

  • 敬礼

    salutation; give a salute;

  • 失礼



(礼物) gift; present:

  • 寿礼

    birthday presents;

  • 贺礼

    gift as a token of congratulation;

  • 送礼

    give a present; send a gift


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 礼至

    Li Zhi

  1. 并未出席颁奖礼的黄老板凭借单曲《ShapeOfYou》和专辑《Divide》分别获得最佳流行歌手和最佳流行专辑。

    Ed Sheeran , who could not attend the ceremony , won two prizes - best pop vocal performance for Shape Of You and best pop album for Divide .

  2. 颁奖礼由赛斯·梅耶斯(SethMeyers)主持。

    Seth Meyers is hosting the ceremony .

  3. 他们恭敬地站在坟墓周围致默哀礼。

    They stood in silent homage around the grave .

  4. 购买一册就可以得到一份免费好礼。

    We 're offering a fabulous free gift with each copy you buy .

  5. 节礼日将有猎狐活动。

    There will be a hunt on Boxing Day .

  6. 她出生一个月时受洗礼,十三岁时受坚信礼。

    She was baptized when she was a month old and confirmed when she was thirteen .

  7. 她向女王行了屈膝礼。

    She curtsied to the Queen .

  8. 整个调查过程中他们都有礼有节,对我很尊重。

    I was treated with decorum and respect throughout the investigation .

  9. 他领受了坚振礼,成为英国国教会的一员。

    He was confirmed as a member of the Church of England .

  10. 有人教我们如何向女王行屈膝礼。

    We were taught how to curtsy to the Queen

  11. 谈话时,他温和有礼。

    In conversation , he was suave and urbane .

  12. 英格丽德和公爵夫人握了握手并行了屈膝礼。

    Ingrid shook the Duchess 's hand and curtsied .

  13. 他对她的微笑回以同礼。

    He answered her smile with one of his own

  14. 教皇给他施了涂油礼,任命其为大主教。

    The Pope has anointed him as Archbishop .

  15. 法林微笑示意,又躬身行了个礼。

    Farling smiled in acknowledgement and gave a bow

  16. 员工谦恭有礼却从不让人感到唐突。

    Staff are courteous but never intrusive .

  17. 他扫了他们每个人一眼,行了个额手礼就离开了。

    He looked from one to the other of them , then salaamed and left .

  18. 他们挨个儿走上前去,勉强地咕哝出几句欢迎词,生硬地鞠躬致礼。

    One by one they came forward , mumbled grudging words of welcome , made awkward obeisances .

  19. 斯泰西干净利落地行了个礼。

    Stacey saluted smartly .

  20. 她在慈善宴会上表现得端庄有礼。

    She behaved with decorum at the charity party .

  21. 客人们入内,个个谦恭有礼。

    The guests came in with courtly airs .

  22. 我上那家商店买东西,因为那里的店员殷勤有礼。

    I go to that store because the clerks there are courteous .

  23. 下礼的人、祝贺的人,络绎不绝。

    People came in a continuous stream to offer gifts and congratulations .

  24. 尽管她常常和我意见不一,但她总是很谦恭有礼。

    Although she often disagreed with me , she was always courteous .

  25. 说到礼,与其奢华浪费,不如俭约些好。

    Speaking of propriety , it is better to be frugal than extravagant .

  26. 他文质彬彬、谦恭有礼、正直体面。

    He was urbane , courtly and honorable .

  27. 他送了礼给我,我得回他一份礼。

    He sent me a gift ; I should give him something in return .

  28. 女王以传统仪式举行加冕礼。

    The queen was crowned with proper ceremony .

  29. 他们行注目礼。

    They saluted with eyes .

  30. “但是你自己也非常美啊,”他的口气文雅有礼,毫不包含粗鲁调笑的意味。

    " but you 're very beautiful yourself ," he added with a politeness by no means crudely jocular .