
lǐ jiào
  • feudal code of ethics;feudal ethical code;feudal ethics and rites;the Confucian or feudal ethical code
礼教 [lǐ jiào]
  • [the Confucian or feudal ethical code] 礼仪教化

礼教[lǐ jiào]
  1. 在礼教初兴的时代背景下,汉代妇女除了接受“女德”、“妇功”教育外,还能够学习一些儒家经典。

    In the beginning of prosperity of feudal ethical code , the women in Han Dynasty received the education of " womens womens " and " women s achievements ", in a.

  2. 反对旧式封建礼教,促进了社会风俗的改良;

    The persons of insights opposed against the old feudal ethical code and improved the social custom ;

  3. 跳舞与礼教:1927年天津禁舞风波

    Dancing and Courtesy : Prohibition against Dancing in Tianjin in 1927

  4. 她甚至大声疾呼,反对那些阻挡自由的、统礼教的绊脚石。

    She also speaks out against the traditional hindrances to freedom .

  5. 中国古代女性意识&从原始走向封建礼教

    Ancient Chinese Female Consciousness & From the Primitive to Confucian Ritualism

  6. 传统礼教思想对中国古代建筑色彩的影响

    Influence of Traditional Ethical Code on Ancient Chinese Architectural Colors

  7. 第五章分析了汉代礼教对女性意识的扭曲和女性意识走向了封建妇德。

    The fifth chapter analyses the distorted female consciousness under Confucian ritualism .

  8. 试论明代封建礼教思想对妇产科学的影响

    Effect of Feudal Ethical Code in Ming Dynasty on Gynecology and Obstetrics

  9. 深刻地揭露封建礼教制度的虚伪和残酷。

    ( b ) Disclose profoundly feudalism system the hypocrisy and cruel .

  10. 中国古代官署衙门,既受封建礼教制度制约,也有衙门建筑功能上的要求,从而形成了严格的建筑形式和建筑规模。

    The ancient administrative offices formed the strict architectural system and scale .

  11. 他的行为违反一切礼教规范。

    His conduct runs counter to all rules of propriety .

  12. 他强烈反对儒家过分推崇礼教。

    He strongly opposed the ceremonial pomp of the Confucians .

  13. “君子”会自然地按照礼教的原则和礼仪行事。

    The chuntzu would naturally follow the rules and etiquette of li .

  14. 封建社会礼教对中国妇女残酷迫害长达2000年之久。

    The women had suffered deeply from the feudal rites for 2000 years .

  15. 然而礼教的最终结局仍是从刑法中无奈退去。

    But the end result is still the mischief from criminal law but recede .

  16. 当你破坏了其他所有礼教之时?

    When you 've broken every other taboo ?

  17. 人类被土地与礼教所束缚。

    Human beings are bound by the land .

  18. 论汉代深衣的礼教色彩和实用功能

    On the Ethical Color and Practical Functions of Shen Clothing of the Han Dynasty

  19. 封建礼教的无奈奠品&论潘金莲与王熙凤悲剧人生三部曲

    Sacrifices of the Feudal Ethics & On the Tragedy of PAN Jin-lian and Wang Xi-feng

  20. 大胆反抗封建礼教,追求理想生活。

    They bravely rebelled against the feudal ethics and patriarch morals , pursuing their dream life .

  21. 尽管嫁了个无赖丈夫,但她传统礼教要求她恪守兰从四德的妇训,毫无怨言与他一起生活。

    Although married to an abusive husband , she stayed with him no matter what happened .

  22. 受父权制和传统礼教的影响,清法典总体上带有明显的男尊女卑的性别歧视烙印。

    There existed distinct gender discrimination between men and women in the code of Qing Dynasty .

  23. 就因为我一时拘泥于习俗礼教,她就这么侮辱我,真是太不通人情了。

    It was so unkind of her to scorn me just because I happen to be conventional .

  24. 先秦礼教与乐教之关系及地位变迁考

    Developments of the Relationship between Rite and Music and Their Political Education Status in the Pre-Qin Dynasty

  25. 汉代是中国封建社会早期许多制度、礼教初露端倪或正在形成的时期。

    The Han Dynasty is the China feudal society , many systems are at the beginning of Confucianism .

  26. 通过马五和尕豆的爱情悲剧揭露了中国社会数千年封建礼教的本质。

    It revealed the nature of feudal ethic by the love tragedy between Ma Wu and Ga Dou .

  27. 历代封建统治阶级都力图用礼教把妇女禁锢起来。

    All through the feudal ages the ruling class did their best to shackle women with Confucian ethics .

  28. 她们的悍妒行为包含着对社会某些法规礼教的强烈抗争,具有一定的历史认识意义。

    Their shrewish behaviours embody the strong fight against some social rules and ethics and possess historical cognitive meaning .

  29. 相反,人们的行为受到一整套复杂的传统、礼教和风俗习惯的支配。

    Rather was it a complicated structure of traditions , ritual and folkways that dictated to men their behaviors .

  30. 干戚之舞初为军事巫舞,后演绎成为重大祭礼必备武舞,具有严格的乐舞程序和礼教功能。

    This dance began with dance for military affairs , and gradually became the dance for grand sacrificial rites .