
  1. 我该给新婚夫妇多少礼钱呢?

    How much money should I give to the new couple ?

  2. 她告诉父母,说他丈夫如何把她结婚时收到的礼钱抢去了,而根本不告诉她钱是怎么用掉的。

    She told them how her husband had taken the wedding present money and never told her what he did with it .

  3. 他绝不领着自己的小囝走东家串西家地到商店老板那里去,只顾搜括礼钱而忽略有关倒垃圾和停车的违章行为;

    He never took his son around to the storekeepers to collect his money presents for ignoring garbage violations and parking violations ;

  4. 但是在印度,这种现象已经是个惯例,以至于成了个国家性笑话&特别是排灯节期间,警察们出门就是为了所要礼钱。

    But in India the process is so routine it 's a national joke-especially round Diwali when the cops were out for present money .

  5. 她拼命想把那个塞满礼钱的大钱包单独保存起来,他一拳打青了她的眼睛,一伸手就把大钱包抢了过来。

    She had tried to keep that purse full of money presents for herself and he had given her a nice black eye and taken the money from her .