
  1. 礼法之士这种重视德行的人才思想在具体的人物品题实践中,主要表现为三个方面:一是重忠孝仁义礼信之美德;

    In practice , the stress on the latter found expression in three aspects : the virtues of loyalty , filialness , benevolence , righteousness , courtesy and faith ;

  2. 小说《归宿》中维利船长的性格和行为准则都体现了中国的仁、义、礼、智和信。

    In the novel The End of the Tether , Captain Whalley 's character and what he did incarnates the five Chinese virtues .

  3. 在实际的修辞活动中,遵守了仁、义、礼、智、信这五个准则,就是遵守了诚的原则。

    In actual rhetoric practice , to follow the five guidelines of benevolence , righteousness , propriety , wisdom and creditability is to obey the principle of fidelity .

  4. 从周代开始,玉被士人阶层附会了种种道德传统,比如认为玉具有仁、义、礼、智、信、勇等六种风格。

    In the Zhou Dynasty , jade was imbued by the ruling class with the concepts of benevolence , righteousness , etiquette , faithfulness , wisdom and courage .

  5. 在传统农业社会,儒家思想一直是中国的正统思想,它以仁、义、礼、智、信等道德标准约束着人们的行为。

    Confucianist ideology was the orthodox all through China 's traditional agricultural society , with its rules of benevolence , justice , ceremony , wisdom , and credibility binding people 's behavior .

  6. 同时,汲取与借鉴佛家充满圆融思辨的精神理念和概念范畴将儒家的仁、义、礼、智、信、俭、廉等思想与道教学说对应起来阐释、见解独特。

    Meanwhile , learn the Buddhist full of harmony speculative spirit concept and scope of the concept Confucian benevolence , righteousness , propriety , wisdom and trust ideas that correspond to them explain unique insights .

  7. 历经数十个世纪,代代承传。中国刀剑映射出中国人民最为宝贵的五大品德:仁、义、礼、智、信。

    It shines through generations and reflects five most essential spirits of every Chinese man : Ren ( benevolence ), Yi ( righteousness ), Li ( principles ), Zhi ( intelligence ) and Xin ( trustworthiness ) .

  8. 指出个人由于接受教育而成长和发展,重要的是培养高尚的道德品质,即仁、义、礼、智、信,才有可能实现自己的人生目标。

    Pointed out that the education and personal growth and development , it is important to foster good moral character , that benevolence , righteousness , propriety , wisdom and trust , be possible to achieve their goals in life .

  9. 在传统儒家文化的仁、义、礼、智、信五大范畴中,康有为把“智”提到前所未有的地位,提出“智学复兴”的现代文化变革思想;

    Among the five major categories of the traditional Confucian culture , which include benevolence , justice , rite , intelligence and faith , Kang Youwei gave an unprecedented status to the category of the " intelligence " and proposed " the renaissance of the intelligence " .