
zì yóu yǔ sù
  • free morpheme
  1. 词干可以是一个黏著词根、自由语素或者本身就是一个派生词。

    A stem can be a bound root , a free morpheme , or a derived form itself .

  2. 就是说,现在所谓语素的语言成分,其实最早曾经具有词的身份,是后来在演化过程中即在词汇形式的双音节化过程中由词而变为语素&粘着语素和自由语素的。

    That is to say , the linguistic element-morpheme we call today , which was used to be a word in old Chinese , has been evolved into bound morpheme and free morpheme in the-process of the evolvement .

  3. 汉语在发展的过程中,两个可以独立成词的单音节自由语素可根据表达需要,自由结合在一起构成同义复加式双音词。

    Two independent monosyllabic morphemes can combine into a synonymous compounding disyllable , if necessary , in the process of development of Chinese .

  4. 于是产生了大量处于自由语素与黏着语素之间的语素,这种语素兼具两者的性质。

    Thus , there will be a great number of morphemes lying between free morphemes and non-free morphemes , which have the nature of both .

  5. 自由语素是独立的意义单位,能够独自自由使用,当然也可以和其它语素结合使用。

    Free morphemes are the morphemes which are independent units of meaning and can be used freely all by themselves or in combination with other morphemes .