
  • 网络Here it is;It is here
  1. 哦,它在这里。

    Oh , here it is from Barry .

  2. 玛丽亚:它在这里!

    Maria : Here it is !

  3. 它在这里表示的意思跟英语俗语“虚有其表”和汉语中的“绣花枕头”的意思一样,“绣花枕头”外表很漂亮,可里面却只是填满了干草而已。

    It ’ s similar to the English saying “ Many a fine dish has nothing on it ” or the Chinese idiom “ embroidered pillow , ” which boasts a beautiful cover , but with only worthless dried straw stuffed inside . For example :

  4. 一个物体作半径为r的圆周运动,它在这里。

    An object goes around in a circle , has radius r and the object is here .

  5. 假定a和b满足,哦,它在这里写不合适。

    Axydx Let 's say for which a and b is a xy dx plus-Oh , it is not going to fit here .

  6. “思考”是IBM所信奉最早的箴言,它在这里仍然具有无比强大的功能。

    " Think " is IBM 's oldest motto , and it is still a very powerful one .

  7. 时间为t3时,它在这里。

    At time t3 , it 's there .

  8. TheJSR-170ToolsonlineWebportal:DaySoftware是JSR-170的规范领袖,它在这里演示了自己的JCR实现)&商业内容仓库终极版(CRX)。

    The JSR-170 Tools online Web portal : Here Day Software , the specification lead for JSR-170 , demonstrates its commercial Content Repository Extreme ( CRX ) implementation of JCR .

  9. 尽管CwMtx的体系结构易于理解,但不幸的是,它在这里的表现并不好。

    Given its intuitive architecture , it is unfortunate that CwMtx doesn 't perform better here .

  10. 此应用程序中的第一个方法是一个readFromFile应用程序,它在这里被声明为静态的,以将其与静态主方法的命令行参数解析轻松集成在一起。

    The first method in this application is a readFromFile application that is declared as static here to simplify integrating it with the static main method 's use of command-line argument parsing .

  11. 它在这里排第一,应该没有什么争议,这款游戏是任天堂开始起家时,做出来的产品。

    Any disputes here ? This game from Nintendo started gaming .

  12. 没人知道它在这里,是吗?

    No one knows it 's here , do they ?

  13. 我的牛仔裤在哪里?它在这里。

    Where are my jeans ? Here they are .

  14. 但不知什么原因,它在这里更显得美丽。

    But somehow , it 's more beautiful here .

  15. 开始的时候,它在这里。

    And , initially , that point is here .

  16. 但这并不意味着它在这里就不平凡。

    Doesn 't mean it 's not commonplace here .

  17. 它在这里等了几年了。

    It 's been waiting there for years .

  18. 它在这里是怎么生长的?

    How does it grow up here ?

  19. 我确定它在这里出现过。

    I was sure it was here .

  20. 这个词本身并没有问题,只是人们会问它在这里是什么用法。

    There is nothing wrong with this word , though one queries the use here .

  21. 但是它在这里落下。

    But here is where it sets .

  22. 问问三星就知道&它在这里拓展其影响力绝对有它的理由。

    Just ask Samsung & the company must be expanding its footprint here for a reason .

  23. 把这东西放到另一间屋里去,免得它在这里碍手碍脚。

    Put this in the other room so as to keep it out of the way .

  24. 哦,等等,这是对木工而言的!没错,但是它在这里也很适用!

    Oh wait , that is for carpentry , but nonetheless it works here as well !

  25. 你怎么知道它在这里的因为是我放的

    Well , how did you know th it was there ? Because I put it there .

  26. 这就是为什么我需要进行分类,它在这里,使其更易于为新来者不拒。

    That 's why I need to sort it out here and make it easier for new comers .

  27. 蒸汽通过管道进入一个发电厂,它在这里被转换成电能。

    The steam travels through pipes to a power plant , where it is converted into electrical energy .

  28. 实际上它在这里是为零的,在这里找到电子的概率严格等于零。

    The answer is , in fact , there is zero , absolutely zero probability of finding a electron here .

  29. 这家工厂正在搬到距此地两小时车程的新址,由于成本不断上升、订单减少,它在这里已无法生存。

    The factory is relocating to a new facility two hours away , priced out by rising costs and falling orders .

  30. 它在这里的销量约为2.6万辆,因此沃尔沃为美国市场增产的成本不高。

    It sells about 26000 cars there , so Volvo can add production for the American market at a modest cost .
