
  1. 它盘垣于弯曲的峡谷之间,攀上陡峭的山峰,从岩石遍布的峭壁俯冲下来,穿越浓密的森林,从上或从下经过成百上千条的河流与溪水。

    It weaves through crooked canyons , climbs sheer mountains , plunges over rocky crags , makes its way through thick forests , and passes over or under hundreds of rivers and streams .

  2. 也许我们应该拿它做盘菜?

    Should we maybe just ... Cook him ?

  3. 洛根说,她与一些邻居的想法不同,她从没想过要从院子里抓一只火鸡,把它变成盘中餐。

    Unlike some neighbors , Logan said , she never had thoughts of catching one of the turkeys in her yard and turning it into dinner .

  4. 本文通过对盘形滚刀破岩工作运动特点、刀具磨损特性和破碎出的岩碴的分析,认为盘形滚刀的破岩存在着一定的剪切作用,它缘于盘形滚刀的侧向不平衡力。

    On the analysis of the motional characteristics of disc cutters , cutters wear and tear , breaking rocks with them , the rock-cut must exist , This would come from the side-force .

  5. 斯坦福的参赛车辆是一辆改装的2006款大众帕撒特,名叫Junior。它的方向盘,节流阀和刹车全部被工程师改装,已经完全由计算机控制。

    Stanford 's entrant " Junior " is a converted 2006 Volkswagen Passat whose steering , throttle and brakes all have been modified by engineers to be completely computer-controllable .

  6. 别忘了把它和一盘热咖啡一起端上桌。

    And don 't forget to serve it with a hot plate of coffee .

  7. 你带着它进浴盘了?

    You took a bath with it ?

  8. 它就在盘浦大桥上,是世界上最长的大桥喷泉。

    It 's located on the Banpo bridge and is currently the longest bridge fountain in the world .

  9. 终于将所有文档整理完了,剩下的,就只需要把它刻录成盘。

    All documents will be finally finishing up the remaining , it should just burn it into a disk .

  10. 它由方向盘中间向外展开,其完全充气时间不超过30毫秒。

    It can fully inflate in less than 30 milliseconds as it deploys out of the steering wheel hub .

  11. ochengi导致牛的皮肤损伤,它和人盘尾丝虫都是通过一种黑蝇的叮咬而传播的。

    O.ochengi causes skin lesions in cattle and is spread by the bites of the same black flies as O.volvulus .

  12. 在这款车的令人奇怪之处中,有一点是它通过方向盘上的拨片实现的四档再生制动系统。

    Among its curiosities is the car 's four levels of regenerative braking , accessed through the steering wheel-mounted paddles .

  13. 洗菜盆下方的菜渣绞碎机能正常工作,但它在配电盘上的标识牌是错误的,需更正。

    The garbage disposal grinder in the sink , although wrongly labelled at the switchboard , was noted to be functioning .

  14. 收藏的奇妙之处,在于它像一盘录像带,纪录着它经过的历史,也在于它像一架时光机,随时带你回到那个时候。

    The magic of collection is that it is like a video recording its history or a time machine ready to take you back to that era .

  15. 否则,就是映像坏掉了,如果您将它烧录到盘上,那么您最终将得到一个刻录失败的光盘。

    If they are not , the image is bad , and if you burn it onto a disk , you 'll end up creating a coaster .

  16. 软骨终板退变和椎间盘退变密切相关,它在椎间盘退变中扮演了非常重要的角色。

    Degeneration of cartilage endplate is closely related with the intervertebral disc degeneration , it played a very important role in intervertebral disc degeneration , cartilage endplate degeneration occurred before intervertebral disc degeneration .

  17. 它和两盘相对运动力的相交关系及相对运动力在断层面上的特殊位置,可以得出岩层错动和相对运动之间三条普遍规律和三条特殊规律。

    According to the interception relationship of it with the relative movement force of two walls and the special position of the relative movement force on the fault plane , the 3 general rules and 3 special rules can be induced .

  18. 它是由核盘菌(SclerotiniaSclerotiorum)引起的一种真菌病害。

    It consists of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum disease caused by a fungi .

  19. 菌核病是油菜的重要病害,它是由核盘菌(SclerotiniaSclerotiorum)侵染植株引起的茎、枝腐烂,导致油菜产量损失。一般年份可致减产5%左右,发病严重年份可导致油菜减产30%或更多。

    Stem rot disease ( Sclerotinia sclerotiorum ) is a major disease of oilseed rape , which caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum usually resulting in 5 % of seed yield loss in general year and 30 % or even more loss in the year with crop being seriously infected .

  20. 出了办公室我就把它放在仪表盘上了!

    I put them on the dashboard when I left the office !

  21. 它的长枝子盘在房子的三角墙上,而这墙上正挂着一口小小的钟。

    The long stems twined round the gable , on which there hung a small bell .

  22. 这部车很容易开,它有机动方向盘和机动刹车器。

    This car is very easy to drive , it has power steering and power brakes .

  23. 最后讨论了它在腰椎间盘突出症治疗中的具体应用。

    Lastly , its concrete application was discussed in the therapy on protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disc .

  24. 目的:研究下腰椎椎体终板的凹陷角以及它在腰椎间盘退变时的变化规律。

    Objective : To investigate the concave angle of vertebral end-plate in low lumbar spine , and the changes of the angle during lumbar disc degeneration .

  25. 然后他走到海德薇的笼子旁,把碗底那几根泡了水的蔬菜倒进它空空的食盘里。

    Then he crossed the room to Hedwig 's cage and tipped the soggy vegetables at the bottom of the bowl into her empty food tray .

  26. 因为它的绕组沿着盘状电枢铁心在径向放置,所以会产生沿轴向的气隙磁通,轴向磁场电机也因此得名。

    Because , of its winding core along the radial armature coils placed along the axial air-gap flux produced , which is also known as the axial field motor .
