
  1. 中国古代刑罚中的耻辱刑刍议

    A Brief Comment on the Humiliation Penalty Enacted in the Criminal Law of Ancient China

  2. 赦与减免是中国古代刑罚减免制度中互有重合的两个重要组成部分,秦汉时期尤其是汉时,赦与减免均得到了相当程度的完备和发展。

    Remission and mitigation Policies are two significant overlapping components of ancient Chinese punitive remission systems . The two reached maturity in Qin and Han Dynasties .

  3. 第一章沿着肉刑自由刑限制自由刑的轨迹,从中国古代的刑罚中寻找管制刑的源头。

    The chapter I supposed to dig resource of public surveillance from traditional penalty of China followed the track of penalty of freedom .

  4. 死刑作为最严厉的刑罚方法曾经被广泛适用,并长期占据古代诸刑罚的中心地位。

    Death penalty has been operated widely once as the most severe punishment way , and taken up the center of the ancient punishment for a long time .

  5. 中国古代的刑罚在经历了象刑、旧五刑到新五刑的发展之后,到唐律已形成了完备的刑罚体系和量刑制度。

    A comprehensive punishment and penalty measurement system was formed in the Tang Dynasty after the development from Xiang Penalty , old Five Penalties to new Five Penalties .

  6. 而在我国,过去一直没有社区矫正这个概念,但是中国古代的刑罚制度中,包含社区矫正的内容。

    In China , however , there is no conception as Community Correction , but in the Ancient China Penalty System , there was content like Community Correction included .

  7. 中国古代的刑罚,是古代法律制度的重要组成部分,它的发展与变化,实质上也是整个中国社会发展与进步的浓缩。

    Chinese ancient punishment is the important constituent in ancient legal system , his development and changes also is the entire Chinese society development and progress of the concentration .

  8. 死刑是我国古代重要的刑罚之一。

    The death penalty was one of important penalties in ancient China .