
dào qiè fàn
  • thief;larcener;larcenist
  1. 警方设法把珠宝盗窃犯从那个岛国引渡回国。

    The police arranged to extradite the jewel thief from the island state .

  2. 这个盗窃犯在供词中牵连了另外两个协助他偷窃的人。

    In his confession the thief incriminated two others who helped him steal .

  3. 那两名盗窃犯明日上午将在新街法院出庭受审。

    The two thieves will appear at New Street Court tomorrow morning .

  4. vt.犯罪,做错事;把…交托给一个盗窃犯。

    commit A man who steals commits a crime .

  5. 在墨西哥,墨西哥国家石油公司(Pemex)推测,每年因打入内部的石油盗窃犯而损失的石油价值7亿美元。

    In Mexico , Pemex estimates it loses $ 700 million annually to petro thieves who tap into its pipelines .

  6. 警方估计盗窃犯已逃出国。

    The police surmise that the robbers have fled the country .

  7. 盗窃犯偷走了博物馆里所有的古代艺术珍品。

    The burglars stripped the museum of all its ancient art treasures .

  8. 她可能同盗窃犯勾结。

    She may have been in league with the thieves .

  9. 这件事不容易吧,尤其是警察把你当作入室盗窃犯的时候。

    Not easy , especially when the police take you for a burglar .

  10. 他被指为盗窃犯。

    The thief was laid to him .

  11. 他想被控为盗窃犯,因为他觉得监狱里很舒服。

    He wanted to be accused of larceny , because he felt comfortable in prison .

  12. 追了五英里,警察的车子才赶上盗窃犯。

    There was a five-mile chase before the thieves were caught up by the police car .

  13. 据报道,一名盗窃犯潜逃到北京,但因为北京雾霾引发肺炎复发,只能辗转回老家投案自首。

    A man hiding in the city to evade police had to turn himself in as the polluted air caused a recurrence of his pneumonia .

  14. 他对艾萨克森说,谷歌“就是个盗窃犯”,并声称要对安卓系统发动“核打击”。

    Google has " f * ing ripped off the iPhone , " jobs told Isaacson , promising to go " thermonuclear " to destroy Android .

  15. 爱德华·蒙克的《呐喊》是20世纪最具标志性的画作之一,它被精心策划地盗窃犯盗走过不止一次。

    Edvard Munch 's The Scream is one of the most iconic paintings of the 20th century - so iconic it was elaborately stolen more than once .

  16. 这个囚犯同警方描绘的受通缉的盗窃珠宝犯的特征完全符合。

    The prisoner measures up to the description the police have of the wanted jewel thief .

  17. 她被怀疑是盗窃案的同谋犯。

    She is suspected of complicity in the robbery .

  18. 此套报警系统对防范盗窃和追捕盗窃犯,有着重要的实用意义。

    This sets warning systems to prevent theft and the pursuit of thieves , have important practical significance .

  19. 本文引用的该则案例不属于典型的转化型抢劫罪,该案是在盗窃过程中由于犯意上升转化为抢劫的典型案例。

    It is the typical case which was converted into robbery due to the rise of criminal intention in the process of theft .