
  • 网络Rapator
  1. 而这次,“小盗龙”胃中被发现的这一特殊物种,它的“最后晚餐”的确有一根很长的第三趾。

    And the last meal of this particular specimen of Microraptor did , indeed , have a long third toe .

  2. 他认为,顾氏小盗龙仅仅用后翼来滑翔,在加力飞翔时,便折叠起来,以免挡道。

    He thinks Microraptor used its hind wings only for gliding , folding them out of the way for powered flight .

  3. 小盗龙,生活在距今六千六百多万年前的白垩纪,是现今中国境内发现的众多体型娇小、长有羽毛的恐龙之一。

    Microraptor is one of many small , feathered dinosaurs found in what is now China that were alive during the Cretaceous period more than 66m years ago .

  4. “小盗龙”是在距今66亿年以前白垩纪时生活在现在中国的许多小型长羽类恐龙中的一种。

    Microraptor ( see photograph ) is one of many small , feathered dinosaurs found in what is now China that were alive during the Cretaceous period more than66m years ago .

  5. 奥康纳博士和她同事在小盗龙样本的胃中发现了那时期鸟类的残骸,但其种类还未得到鉴别。

    What Dr O'Connor and her colleagues have found is the remains of one of those birds , of an as-yet-unidentified species , in the stomach of a specimen of Microraptor .

  6. 小盗龙到底吃什么这一问题,北京中国科学院古脊椎动物和古人类研究所的奥康纳在古脊椎动物学会年会上发表了演说。

    In the case of one particular dinosaur , Microraptor , the matter was addressed in a presentation to the annual meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology by Jingmai O'Connor of the Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology , in Beijing .

  7. 那细长的脚趾暗示着奥康纳博士小盗龙也是树栖的。在一个需在枝桠间跳跃、滑行的生活环境中,它的羽毛可能对它的日常活动有所帮助。

    That elongated toe suggests to Dr O'Connor that Microraptor , too , was arboreal , and hints that its feathers may have helped it to move through an environment where hops , jumps and flaps between branches were a regular part of its daily activity .