
tì ɡuānɡ tóu
  • shaved head;have one's head shaved;score no points
剃光头 [tì guāng tóu]
  • (1) [shave clearly]∶将头发全部剃除干净

  • (2) [crushing defeat]∶指没有一样成功

  • 这次评比,咱们组剃了光头

  1. 红色大门随即拉开,一位剃光头的好人消防员听完我的遭遇后,说要去问一下他的上司。

    The huge red doors slid open and a hunky fireman with shaved head listened to my tale and said he 'd ask his boss .

  2. 宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院最近的一项研究显示,人们认为剃光头的男人看起来更有男人味和统治力。在某些情况下,他们比头发较长或者头发稀疏的男人看起来更具有领导潜力。

    Men with shaved heads are perceived to be more masculine , dominant and , in some cases , to have greater leadership potential than those with longer locks or with thinning hair , according to a recent study out of the University of Pennsylvania 's Wharton School .

  3. 嗯,Ron从不剃光头。

    Well , our Ron was never a skinhead , anyway .

  4. KSDK电视台记者问小男孩为什么要剃光头,他说:我想让扎卡感觉他不是唯一没有头发的人。

    When the little boy was asked why he shaved his hair off , he told KSDK : ' To make Zac feel like hes not the only one without any hair . '

  5. KSDK电视台记者问小男孩为什么要剃光头,他说:“我想让扎卡感觉他不是唯一没有头发的人。”

    When the little boy was asked why he shaved his hair off , he told KSDK : ' To make Zac feel like he 's not the only one without any hair . '

  6. 他剃光头以后头发长得更浓密了。

    His hair grew back thicker after he shaved his head .

  7. 记得我那剃光头的朋友艾比?

    You know my friend Abby who shaves her head ?

  8. Pheebes,那个女人可是主动剃光头的。

    Rachel : Pheebes , this woman is voluntarily bald .

  9. 你可以要我剃光头,拖我到车后,

    You can shave my head , drag me behind a car ,

  10. 大孩子们开始长胡子,穿大靴子,剃光头。

    Big boys with bristly chins and big boots on . Skinheads .

  11. 我有考虑重新剃光头。

    I think about shaving it again sometimes .

  12. 她喜欢为别人剃光头。

    She likes shaving other people 's heads .

  13. 剃光头有助于提高成绩。

    Shaving down contributes to peak performance .

  14. 留你喜爱的长发,也能剃光头如果你让我这么做。

    Keep hair long coz you like it , shave bold if you want me to .

  15. 小克的教练承诺说当小克赢得一个大满贯后就剃光头。

    Q.Kim 's coach once promised to shave his hair if she won a Grand Slam .

  16. 剃光头的男子被认为不太有吸引力,而且看上去更老。

    Men with shaved heads were rated lower in attractiveness and also seen as being older .

  17. 然而,剃光头也有不利的一面。

    However , there were downsides .

  18. 第一个实验发现,剃光头的男子被认为比其他男性更有男子气概,更具主导力。

    The first found men with shaved heads were viewed as more masculine and dominant than other men .

  19. 这群姐妹在同一家发廊集体剃光头,她们微笑着庆祝自己的新形象,然后就去见麦肯纳给她惊喜。

    The women smile and celebrate as they shave their hair at the same hair salon before meeting McKenna .

  20. 只是剃光头和穿褐袍并不能使人成为僧伽(圣者)。

    Shaving the head and wearing brown robes can 't make a person into a monk ( Noble one ) .

  21. 在一组非常感人的图片中,一群女性为了支持一位患乳腺癌的朋友,集体剃光头给她加油打气。

    In a touching photo series , a group of women shaved their heads in support of a friend diagnosed with breast cancer .

  22. 美国前总统老乔治布什剃光头来支持一位特工患病的孩子。

    Former US president George Bush Sr has shaved his head to show solidarity for the sick child of a secret service agent .

  23. 莉顿·梅斯特说如果角色需要,她愿意为艺术献身,剃光头都没问题。

    Leighton Meester has said that she would shave her head if it was required for a role that she wanted to perform .

  24. 说不出为什么,当时的我就是强烈地想有纹身,并且剃光头。

    Out of no reason , I had a strong desire to have tattoos and to also have my head shaved at that time .

  25. 亲爱的欣顿,为什么你不能要求点别的东西呢?我们看到你剃光头会很难过的。

    ' Sindu , darling , why don 't you ask for something else ? We will be sad seeing you with a clean-shaven head . '

  26. 5岁的文森特巴特菲尔德想了想,觉得剃光头是支持哥们儿最好的办法,因为他最好的朋友扎克因为化疗头发都掉光了。

    Five-year-old Vincent Butterfield decided the only way was to shave his head in support of his best friend Zac Gossage who lost his hair through chemotherapy .

  27. 在第一个实验中,研究人员让参与者观看年龄和服饰相近的男性的一组照片,其中包括一些剃光头的男性。

    In the first experiment , subjects were asked to look at a series of photographs of men of similar age and dress , including some with shaved heads .

  28. 她在欧洲的拍摄对象包括因被控与德军勾结而被剃光头的法国女人,冷静的修女,无家可归的流浪儿,以及城市瓦砾堆中寻常家庭场景里的女人。她的作品变得更加微妙。

    In Europe , where subjects included shaven-headed Frenchwomen accused of collaborating with the Germans , cold-eyed nuns , homeless street urchins and women in ordinary domestic scenes amid the urban rubble , her work becomes more nuanced .

  29. 虽然阿拉里因儿子患癌受到了创伤,但他在精神上还是能够挺住——剃光头表示对儿子的支持。他的儿子在2015年去世,年仅24岁。

    Although Mr Harari was traumatised by his son 's cancer , he was also able to put his feelings aside in this show of support for his son , who died in 2015 at the age of 24 .

  30. 尽管75%的受访女性称,如果能够挽救一个陌生人的生命,她们愿意剃光头,而超过四分之一的人坦称如果能让她们自己变苗条,她们宁愿让最好的朋友变胖。

    And although 75 percent of women surveyed said they 'd be willing to shave their heads to save the life of a stranger , more than a quarter of those taking part admitted they would make their best friend fat for life , if it meant they could be thin .