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  • tonsure
剃度 [tì dù]
  • [tonsure] 佛教用语,指给要出家的人剃去头发

剃度[tì dù]
  1. 戒尺用于皈依、剃度、传戒、说法等场合。

    The ferule is used for conversion , tonsure , ordination and parlance .

  2. 据报道,陈晓旭仍然呆在为她举行剃度仪式的百国兴隆寺内。

    Chen Xiaoxu was reported to still be at Baiguoxinglong Temple , the Buddhist monastery where she received the tonsure ceremony .

  3. 阶跃折射率光纤的色散影响比剃度折射率光纤大得多。

    The influence of the modal dispersion of a multimode step-index fiber is larger than one of a multimode graded-index fiber .

  4. 一般情况下,泰国所有男性佛教徒在其一生当中都会接受剃度,到寺院修行一段时间,最常见的是在十几岁的时候,也有几岁就剃度的。

    All Thai Buddhist males generally get ordained at some point in their lives , though most often in their teenage years and sometimes earlier .

  5. 端裂和端部劈裂的产生原因相同,两者的区别只是木材纵向或长度方向的微分水分剃度不同。

    End checks and end splits develop for exactly the same reasons and differ only with respect to differential moisture gradients in the longitudinal or lengthwise direction of the lumber .

  6. 最后,一位身披藏红色迦裟、剃度过的佛教僧侣被请上台,据介绍,他是这家公司的宗教顾问,签名认可该公司的产品。

    Finally , a shaven-headed Buddhist monk in saffron robes is invited on to the stage , to be introduced as the company 's spiritual adviser and to endorse the product .

  7. 每年雨季,雨水普降泰国之时,会有成千上万年轻男孩在传统的成人礼上,接受剃度,到寺院修行一段时间。

    Each year as monsoon rains sweep their way over Thailand , tens of thousands of teenage boys shave their heads and are ordained as Buddhist monks in a traditional rite of passage .

  8. 对海空背景下的电视和3-5μm红外目标提出了一种采用多向梯度表决融合的检测方法:依据背景图像中点目标的奇异特性,得到图像的多向剃度检测结果,并进行表决融合。

    A new detection algorithm based on multi-orientation gradient voting fusion for the TV and 3 infrared target under the sea background were proposed . Firstly , the target is detected through the multi-orientation gradient of image based on the target singularity .