
tì dāo
  • razor;shaver
剃刀 [tì dāo]
  • [razor] 一种刀刃锋利,刀片和刀柄连成一体(如直柄剃刀)或刀片插在刀架内(如保安剃刀或电剃刀)的刮剃工具

剃刀[tì dāo]
  1. 你瞧,阿波罗正在把剃刀赠给我们这项手艺的特里泼托勒默斯。

    Apollo , you see , is bestowing the razor on the Triptolemus of our craft .

  2. 据Aniston所说,她有名的“Rachel”头是由她的“朋友”Chris用剃刀剃头发,意外造成的。

    According to Aniston , her famous " Rachel " hairdo was created by accident when her " friend " Chris cut her hair with a razor .

  3. 其牙齿就像剃刀,一旦咬住你它就绝不会松开。

    The teeth are like razors . Once you get tangled up it will never let you go .

  4. 2011年,澳大利亚一位名叫埃迪·斯盖(EddieSigai)的矿工在被鳄鱼用剃刀般的牙齿拖下水后,成功地制服了这只袭击他的猛兽。

    In 2011 , an Australian miner named Eddie Sigai successfully fought off an attacking crocodile after being dragged underwater by one of the razor-toothed beasts .

  5. 目前,类金刚石薄膜作为涂层材料已被广泛应用于各种领域。从剃刀片到微机电系统(MEMS),从发动机零部件到人造关节,从轴承保护膜到加工刀具和模具。

    At present , DLC film has been applied in many fields as coating materials , which range from razor to MEMS , from components of engine to artificial joints , from bearing coatings to cutting tool and draw die coatings .

  6. 在23倍临界转速区,裂纹深度浅于R2的裂纹转子有分岔和拟周期响应出现;论准生命&寻找剖析生命伦理疑难问题的奥卡姆剃刀

    While the rotating speed is near 2 / 3 critical speed and crack depth is under R / 2 , the crack-rotor is abundant in periodic , quasi-periodic motions and bifurcation ; On the Quasi - Life

  7. 但是这些都不是典型的流星,因为里面居住着强势的外星人指挥官,肌肉型的武器专家Tazer,致命的女性外星人“剃刀”和另类的四只胳膊的技术人员“火花”。

    But these aren 't your typical meteors , because inside dwells tough-talking alien commander Skip , muscle-bound weapons specialist Tazer , lethal female Razor , and geeky four-armed techie Sparks .

  8. 俄罗斯经济的复苏&行走在剃刀边缘的增长

    Russian economic recovery & a growth on the edge of razor

  9. 告诉他们带着凡士林和剃刀。

    Tell them to bring the vaseline and the straight razors .

  10. 此时此刻,我的命运被挂在了这把剃刀的刀刃上。

    My fate hangs on the edge of this razor blade .

  11. 用钝剃刀的理发师的就如同盲祭司。

    Barber with a dull razor 's like a blind moyel .

  12. 他唯一需要卫护的是他的剃刀。

    The only thing he necessarily stands by is the razor .

  13. 我需要像剃刀一样锋利的东西

    I need , uh , something sharp -- a razor .

  14. 剃齿工艺中的齿形误差分析及剃刀修形补偿

    The error analysis of form in profile modification technique and its compensation

  15. 刀头,非电动剃须刀用他弄缺了剃刀刀口。

    Head cutting for non-electric shavers He nicked the razor .

  16. 像火车一样稳定,像剃刀一样锋利。

    Steady like a train , sharp like a razor .

  17. 每天早晨他都用这把电剃刀刮胡子。

    Every morning he shaves ( himself ) with this electric razor .

  18. 并且永远把剃刀放在干燥的表面。

    And always keep your razor on a dry surface .

  19. 罗斯:她说你拿剃刀给她!

    Ross : She said you gave her the razor !

  20. 用剃刀割伤她自己所带来的致命后果。

    The fatal consequence of cutting herself with a razor .

  21. 我自己连保险剃刀都不敢用的。

    I should not have dared use a safety razor on myself .

  22. 我送他一把安全剃刀作为生日礼物。

    We bought him a safety razor for his birthday .

  23. 建筑行业农民工共用剃刀干预模式的研究

    Effectiveness of an Intervention on Sharing Razors among Rural Migrant Construction Workers

  24. 前几个月剃刀刀片严重缺货。

    There had been a famine of razor blades for months past .

  25. 论和谐剃刀&以生态系统的自平衡机制为线索

    On Harmonious Razor & Taking Self-Balance Mechanism of Ecosystem as a Clue

  26. 我给你拿衬衫不要剃刀

    I 'll get you a shirt and a. .. No razor !

  27. 论准生命&寻找剖析生命伦理疑难问题的奥卡姆剃刀一类拟平稳序列之超过数点过程的渐近分布

    Asymptotic distributions of exceedances point process for a class of quasi stationary sequence

  28. 理发师在磨刀皮带上磨剃刀。

    The barber sharpened his razor on a strap .

  29. 他放下手里的剃刀,精心地刷他的头发。

    He put down his razor and brushed his hair with elaborate care .

  30. 剃刀刀片的毛坯,无论是否成条

    Blank for razor-blade , whether or not in strips