
  • Dick;Philip K. Dick
  1. 我并不是在征求你的意见,迪克。

    I wasn 't asking for your opinion , Dick

  2. 她因为我请了迪克而大发雷霆。

    She is livid that I have invited Dick .

  3. 我一遇到迪克,就被他那动听的声音迷住了。

    As soon as I met Dick , he entranced me because he has a lovely voice

  4. 迪克是研究青少年犯罪的专家。

    Deak is an expert in juvenile delinquency .

  5. 迪克买了3件免烫衬衫出门旅行用。

    Dick bought three wash and wear shirts to take on his trip .

  6. 迪克指出鲍伯的错误,使后者很难堪。

    Dick took the wind out of Bob 's sails by showing him where he was wrong .

  7. 假期对迪克来说真是度日如年,因为他的朋友们都去露营了。

    The vacation time hung heavy on Dick 's hands because all his friends were away at camp .

  8. 迪克显然是在桌子底下踢他。

    Dick was clearly kicking him underneath the table .

  9. 他们看见迪克从灌木丛里出来,身后跟着两条呜呜哀叫的狗。

    They saw Dick come out of the bush with two dogs whining at his heels .

  10. 斯科特很高兴从一位医生那里获得食物方面的建议,这位医生是附近的玛丽和迪克·艾伦糖尿病中心的项目主任,而该中心是圣约瑟夫·霍格健康联盟的一部分。

    Scott is delighted to get food advice from a physician who is program director of the nearby Mary and Dick Allen Diabetes Center , part of the St.Joseph Hoag Health alliance .

  11. 英国工程师迪克和杰姆设计了一种太阳能水上出租车。

    English engineers Dick and Jem designed a solar-powered water taxi .

  12. 迪克吓得动弹不得,后悔莫及。

    Dick was too scared to move and regretted deeply .

  13. 知道迪克不见了,他母亲很担心。

    Knowing Dick was missing , his mother was worried .

  14. 迪克是个聪明的年轻人,他的父母并不富有。

    Dick was a smart young man whose parents were not rich .

  15. 起初,迪克每天按时来上课。

    At first , Dick came lo have lessons on time every day .

  16. 这时,他们听说迪克掉进了陷阱。

    At this time , they heard that Dick was caught in a trap .

  17. 她说:"亲爱的兄弟,这是我的儿子,迪克。"

    She said , " Dear brother , this is my son , Dick . "

  18. 一天晚上在医院,迪克被要求照顾一个女人。

    One evening at the hospital , Dick was asked to look after a women .

  19. 无论是在商店还是在医院,迪克都得穿白衣服。

    Both in the shop and at the hospital , Dick had to wear white clothes .

  20. 老师对迪克说:"明天这个时候你可以来上第一课。"

    The teacher said to Dick , " You can come at this time tomorrow for your first lesson . "

  21. 但很快,迪克对和别人玩游戏更感兴趣了,于是他开始逃课。

    But soon , Dick became more interested in playing games with others , so he began to cut classes .

  22. 一方面,在店里,他学会了很好地切肉,所以老板外出时经常让迪克做所有的生意。

    On the one hand , in the shop , he learned to cut up meat quite nicely , so the boss of the shop often let Dick do all the business while he was out .

  23. 迪克在小街上行走时,遭到来自背后的两个青年的袭击

    While walking along a side street , Dick was mugged by two youths .

  24. 目的探讨无C型臂条件下用迪克钉治疗胸腰椎骨折的可行性。

    Objective In order to study the possibility of treatment of fractures of the thoracic lumbar with dick screw without C arm .

  25. 电子零售商百思买(BestBuy)处境艰难,公司创始人、前任CEO迪克•舒尔策现在有很大机会买下这家公司。

    Best buy founder and former CEO Dick Schulze now has an opportunity to buy the troubled electronics retailer .

  26. 当然我也一直都喜欢菲利普·K·迪克(PhilipK.Dick)。

    Of course I 've always liked Philip K. Dick .

  27. 迪克•科斯特洛则继续留任Twitter首席执行官。

    Dick Costolo remains CEO of twitter .

  28. 而且在恩颐投资成立前,董事长迪克•克拉姆里克就已是当时一家小型初创公司&苹果(Apple)的首批投资人之一了。

    And before founding NEA , chairman Dick kramlich was one of the first to invest in a little startup called Apple ( AAPL ) .

  29. 但就在人们等待Twitter首席执行官迪克•考斯特罗扳动IPO发令枪之际,Twitter估值仍然存在很大的猜测和投机空间。

    But it makes for good speculation as we wait for CEO Dick Costolo to pull the inevitable trigger .

  30. 万达还准备收购举办金球奖(GoldenGlobeAwards)和美国小姐选美比赛(MissAmerica)的迪克•克拉克制片公司(DickClarkProductions),已为此进入排他性谈判。

    Wanda has also entered into exclusive negotiation to acquire Dick Clark Productions , which stages the Golden Globe Awards and Miss America pageant .