
  • Dubai;United Arab Emirates;Bur Dubai;DXB
  1. 我们在迪拜着陆后将更换机组人员。

    There will be a crew change when we land at Dubai .

  2. 撤离人员一抵达迪拜就径直被送往迪拜国际机场。

    On reaching Dubai the evacuees are taken straight to Dubai international airport .

  3. 船昨天到达了迪拜附近的泊地。

    The vessel yesterday reached anchorage off Dubai .

  4. 但是,与它的邻国阿布扎比不同,石油并没有促进迪拜的发展。

    But , unlike its neighbor Abu dhabi , oil has not fueled 's growth .

  5. 大卫现在面临这样一个香槟问题:是去瑞士滑雪,还是去迪拜会朋友。

    For example : David has champagne problems : to go skiing in Switzerland or join his friends in Dubai .

  6. 迪拜动漫网站web系统的设计与分析

    Dubai Animation Platform Web System Design and Analysis

  7. 迪拜的一个研究表明,补充维生素C补充能提高不育男性的精子数量。

    A study in Dubai suggests vitamin C supplementation in infertile men may improve sperm count .

  8. 迪拜一家建筑公司日前宣布,他们将建造世界上第一栋3D打印的摩天大厦。

    A construction firm based in Dubai has announced plans to build the world 's first 3D-printed skyscraper .

  9. 挑战如此之多、报酬如此之少,那些加盟过迪拜国际资本(dubaiinternationalcapital)的企业大亨,就不用申请了。

    With so many challenges and so little recompense , corporate titans like those who joined Dubai international capital need not apply .

  10. 随着迪拜世界(dubaiworld)脱离了隐性政府支持,外界开始担忧,其它有政府背景的实体也有可能违约。

    With Dubai World cut adrift from implicit government support , there are concerns about potential defaults by other state-related entities .

  11. 世界上最贵的旅馆&阿联酋迪拜的BurjAlArab旅店。

    The world 's most expensive hotel-Burj Al Arab Dubai , United Arab Emirates hotels .

  12. 但迪拜世界旗下的迪拜环球港务集团(DPWorld)表示,它不在此次债务重组范围之内。该公司是全球最大港口运营商之一。

    But DP World , one of the world 's top port operators controlled by Dubai World , said it was excluded from the restructuring .

  13. 迪拜的行动带来了风险:其它公司的重组可能会随之而来,巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)在本周发布的一份报告中表示。

    Dubai 's actions have introduced the risk that restructuring of other corporates could follow , Barclays Capital said in a report this week .

  14. 有位经营者还提议,向迪拜(Dubai)学习,建一个室内滑雪场。

    One suggests Sanya take a cue from Dubai and build an indoor ski slope .

  15. 迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)的困境这家举步维艰的企业集团正试图重组220亿美元的债务也敲响了一记警钟。

    The travails of Dubai World , the struggling conglomerate that is seeking to restructure $ 22bn of debts , have also acted as a warning .

  16. 半年前,当迪拜世界(dubaiworld)暂停偿债引发全球市场动荡时,几乎没有银行家相信自己能收回资金。

    Six months ago , when Dubai World caused global market upheaval with its debt standstill , few bankers believed they would get their money back .

  17. 此外,卡塔尔投资局和迪拜证券交易所(dubaistockexchange)持有伦敦证交所(lse)逾50%的股权。

    In addition , the Qatari fund and the Dubai stock exchange own more than 50 per cent of the London Stock Exchange .

  18. 与此同时,迪拜从阿布扎比收到了大约250亿英镑的资金支持,相当于迪拜GDP的三分之一左右。

    Dubai , meanwhile , has received some £ 25bn of support from Abu Dhabi , equivalent to about a third of the emirate 's GDP .

  19. 昨天,这个海湾酋长国最大的国有企业集团迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)宣布,将推迟6个月偿还债务。这一出人意料的决定令外国债权人大为恼火。

    Yesterday 's unexpected decision by Dubai World , the Gulf emirate 's largest state-owned conglomerate , to impose a six-month debt standstill has foreign creditors up in arms .

  20. 第一东方集团已在海湾地区运营了约15年,2006年,该集团成为首家获得迪拜国际金融中心(dubaiinternationalfinancialcentre)运营执照的中国机构。

    First Eastern has been operating in the Gulf for some 15 years and was the first Chinese institution to obtain a licence to operate from the Dubai international financial centre in 2006 .

  21. 迪拜投资在2006至2008年的收购热潮初期以2.85亿美元购得iss。

    Istithmar bought ISS for $ 285m at the start of its buying spree between 2006 and 2008 .

  22. 助长当初那种恐慌言论的,是仇外心理和正当安全忧虑的混合物,一如2006年美国反对迪拜世界港口公司(DubaiPortsWorld)企图收购六个美国港口所显示的。

    The scaremongering was fuelled by a mix of xenophobia and legitimate security concerns , illustrated by US opposition to Dubai Ports World 's attempt to acquire six US ports in 2006 .

  23. 令事情变得更加复杂的是,大量就业纠纷会给地方法院和迪拜国际金融中心(DubaiInternationalFinancialCentre)的专门法院带来压力。许多跨国公司的总部都位于迪拜国际金融中心。

    A further complication is the pressure a slew of employment disputes could put on both the local courts and the special court for the Dubai International Financial Centre , where many multinationals are based .

  24. 迪拜世界(dubaiworld)负责人苏丹本苏拉耶(sultanbinsulayem)表示,监管者的类似举动带有歧视性,并且会阻止他进行投资。

    Sultan bin Sulayem , head of Dubai World , said such moves by regulators were discriminatory and would deter him from investing .

  25. 的确,伦敦商学院只得将其迪拜EMBA课程的开办日期提前。

    Indeed , in Dubai , LBS has had to bring forward the start date of its EMBA programme .

  26. 上个月,迪拜在资本市场掀起了一场狂风骤雨:这个酋长国要求暂缓偿付国有企业迪拜世界(dubaiworld)的部分债务,震惊了投资者。

    Last month , Dubai caused a Squall in the capital markets : the emirate stunned investors with a request for a standstill on some of the debts of Dubai World , a state-owned company .

  27. 排名世界第一的是迪拜的哈利法塔(BurjKhalifa),高2716英尺。

    Only the Burj Khalifa in Dubai is taller , at 2,716 feet .

  28. 这些出售过程表明,在迪拜寻求削减其1000多亿美元债务之际,在迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)集团以外,迪拜各机构也在寻求出售业绩较好的非核心资产。

    These sales processes indicate that Dubai entities in addition to the Dubai World conglomerate are seeking to sell off better-performing , non-core assets as the emirate seeks to reduce its US $ 100bn-plus in debts .

  29. 港口运营商迪拜世界港口公司(DPWorld)掌管亚太地区业务的PeterWong表示:好消息是,我的[航运公司]客户的发货量正在企稳。

    The good thing is that volumes are stabilising for my [ shipping line ] customers , says Peter Wong , who manages terminal operator DP World 's operations in Asia Pacific .

  30. 负责Keico中东业务的DanielShin表示,他的3个主要目标市场是沙特、伊朗和迪拜。

    Daniel Shin , responsible for Keiko 's Middle Eastern business , says his three main target markets are Saudi Arabia , Iran and Dubai .