
gǔ shū
  • ancient books;grey record
古书 [gǔ shū]
  • [grey record;ancient books] 古代的著作

古书[gǔ shū]
  1. 此事古书上曾有记载。

    It is recorded in ancient books .

  2. 希望网路上有兴趣研究越南古书的学者们一齐来改进越南语。

    I hope that scholars on the internet who are interested in Vietnamese ancient books improve Vietnamese altogether .

  3. 那部古书久已佚失。

    That ancient work has long been lost .

  4. 古书的数量论卷。

    Ancient texts are counted in juan .

  5. 每年夏天,我都怀着最好的打算:去读一本古书,一本我年轻而雄心勃勃时就应该读的经典之作。

    I start every summer with the best of intentions : to attack one big book from the past , a classic that I was supposed to have read when young and ambitious .

  6. 古代藻及生物标记物所有这些古书古画都标了价。

    All these ancient books and paintings have been marked up .

  7. 书画经典再现上博上海博物馆故宫博物院古书画精品展

    Classic Calligraphic and Painting Works Appear at the Exhibition in Shanghai Museum

  8. 这本古书掌握着在战争和生存中取胜的关键。

    Thisancient text holds the keys to victory in war and life .

  9. 旧木易烧,古书堪读。

    Old wood is best to burn ; old books to read .

  10. 古书与古文字中所见周族的起源与商周关系

    Zhou Nation 's Establishment and the Relation between Shang and Zhou Dynasty

  11. 房间远端立着一排用镶金边的古书做装饰的架子。

    The room beyond was lined with shelves of gilt antique books .

  12. 灵梦:古书?什么样的书?

    Reimu : Ancient book ? What kind of book ?

  13. 而且是用线装的,很像古书。

    Plus , it 's stringed , like traditional books .

  14. 他钻研许多古书与文件,以寻找事实。

    He delved into lots of old books and papers for the facts .

  15. 你能为我觅到那本罕见的古书吗?

    Can you procurethe rare old book for me ?

  16. 他恭敬小心地打开古书。

    He opened the ancient book with reverentila care .

  17. 给我看古书里你的容颜。

    Show me your image in some antique book .

  18. 这是我昨天在书摊子上偶然买到的一本珍奇的古书。

    This is a queer old book I picked up at a stall yesterday

  19. 古文字材料在古书释读中的重要作用举例

    Examples Illustrating the Great Function of Ancient Writing Materials in Interpretation of Ancient Classics

  20. 这是一本金属封面的厚重古书。封面相当华丽,并镶有银边。

    The front cover was ornate , and the page edges clad in silver .

  21. 你能获得那本珍本古书吗?

    Can you procure that rare old book ?

  22. 后来是用那本古书。

    And it was with that ancient book .

  23. 古书描述了此病的具体症状。

    The symptoms were described in ancient writings .

  24. 李明采用了在一家旧书店里找到的古书中内容。

    Li Ming brought in some antique books he had found in a used bookstore .

  25. 中国古书上说,女子无才便是德。

    An old Chinese proverb says that too much learning does not becomes a woman .

  26. 论古书序跋在版本鉴定中的作用

    The Relation between Prefaces and Postscripts to an Ancient Book and Appraisal of Its Edition

  27. 古书注释历来受到学术界的充分关注,注释方法各有特色,但又存在一些缺憾。

    The annotations of the ancient books have always been attracting adequate attention for its variety of methods .

  28. 萨拉向你展示这本与圣经有关的古书是怎样变得近在咫尺的。

    Sara Sidner shows you how this biblical and ancient texts can be as close as a click .

  29. 蕾米莉亚:我把时间花在帕秋莉的图书馆里,结果发现了这本古书。

    Remilia : I was spending my time in Patchouli 's library , when I found this ancient book .

  30. 这样,阅读古书时才能举一反三,触类旁通。

    In this way , when can we judge the whole ancient books to read , comprehend by analogy .