
  1. 论《古池》的艺术魅力

    Comment on The Artistic Charm of " The Ancient Pond "

  2. 你那意大利古池的手提包才50美金吗?我敢说那个肯定不是真货,是吗。

    You only paid $ 50 for a Gucci handbag ? Well it 's obviously not the real McCoy then , is it .

  3. 古莲花池始建于公元1227年,原名雪香园。

    Baoding Ancient Lotus Garden was founded in 1227 , which was called " Xuexiang Garden " originally and gained its present name in Ming dynasty .

  4. 切索尼斯城于公元前300年至公元前200年之间被发现,虽然它坐落在现代乌克兰克里米亚半岛的西南部,但切索尼斯实际上是一座古希腊的旧城池。然而,就像当前的乌克兰一样,它曾经也并不是一个太平的地方。

    Though it is located in modern-day Ukraine , southwest of the Crimean Peninsula , Chersoneos is actually an ancient Greek site , founded between 300 and 200 B.C. However , much like Ukraine currently , it was not a peaceful site .