
yī chà nà
  • in a moment;in a split second;twinkling;in the twinkling of an eye
一刹那 [yī chà nà]
  • [in the twinkling of an eye] 十分短促的时间内

一刹那[yī chà nà]
  1. 也就在一刹那间,他对这种戏剧性的变化反应强烈,不禁毛骨悚然。

    And also in a moment his heart responded thrillingly to this novel mood .

  2. 一刹那间丢掉的信誉,可能比一辈子积累起来的更多。

    More credit may be thrown down in a moment than can be built in an age .

  3. 在见到她的一刹那,他的心跳顿了一下。

    His heart missed a beat when he saw her .

  4. 在一刹那间,他们的目光交汇在了一起。

    Their eyes met for a split second .

  5. 这一切都发生在一刹那间。

    It all happened in an instant .

  6. 就在即将撞上那条小船的一刹那间,船长停住了船。

    The captain was able to bring the ship to just before it hit the little boat .

  7. 就在这清晰的一刹那,Leah迈出了重要的一步,战胜了她内心对改变的抗拒,做出了迈出更大脚步的坚定承诺。

    In that moment of clarity Leah made an important leap , conquering her inner resistance to change and making a firm commitment to take bigger steps .

  8. 一刹那间,我丈夫的脸拉了下来,他看起来很担心。

    In a second , my husband 's face fell and he looked so worried .

  9. 我盯着成绩单,一刹那间没有反应过来,当我意识到我期末考试成绩是四个A时,我高兴得尖叫起来。

    For a split second I just stared at the results , then I screamed for joy as I realised I got four As in my final exams .

  10. 耶鲁公开课-文学理论导论课程节选列维,施特劳斯写道:,不论语言是何时何种环境下,在动物的历史中诞生的,语言只可能是一刹那间诞生。vt.猛击;[俚语]偷窃;刷…卡n.猛击;尖刻的话vi.猛打

    Levi-Strauss writes : Whatever may have been the moment and the circumstances of its appearance in the scale of animal life , language could only have been born in one fell swoop .

  11. 在我踩上去的一刹那那旧木板裂开了。

    The old board splintered the moment I stepped on it .

  12. 在我们穿出隧道的那一刹那,耀眼的白色阳光扑面而来。

    We exited the tunnel into a crash of white light .

  13. 传说中,在你最心爱的人死去的一刹那。

    Legend has it , in your most beloved people dead moment .

  14. 有那么一刹那我以为他走了。

    For one split second I thought he was gone .

  15. 那一刹那,我真的相信你了。

    For a minute , I actually believed you cared .

  16. 我就在那一刹那决定打电话给你。

    I called you at the spur of the moment .

  17. 警报响起的一刹那,我们永远都不知道什么时候一场噩梦将会重新上演。

    Never knowing when it will be forced to re-live a nightmare .

  18. 不过她在吃惊的最初一刹那并没有感觉到这种侮辱。

    But in that first startled moment she did not feel insulted .

  19. 之后的一刹那,四周昏暗而迷茫。

    Then , for a moment , everything became muddled .

  20. 有那么疯狂的一刹那,我突然觉得迪恩出了什么事儿。

    For a crazy instant I think something 's happened to dean .

  21. 因此,峨特艺术风格的巴黎,完整无缺的时间只是一刹那而已。

    Thus Gothic Paris was complete only for a moment .

  22. 就在他这样做的同一刹那,罗斯托夫全身劲头忽然消失了。

    The instant he did this all Rostov 's eagerness suddenly vanished .

  23. 就在我猛拽回钱包那一刹那,塞希得意地大笑起来。

    As I yanked my wallet back , Sethi laughed with delight .

  24. 所以我们要把握一刹那之间的永恒。

    So we should grasp the moment between the eternal .

  25. 树负担着它的千年历史好像伟大华严的一刹那。

    The tree bears its thousand years as one large majestic moment .

  26. 嗯,但只有那一刹那。琼恩回答。

    For an instant , you did , Jon replied .

  27. 然后也许棍子断裂前的那一刹那

    and then maybe just before the stick actually goes snap

  28. 我有一刹那还以为A要割我们的器官

    I thought for a second A harvested our organs .

  29. 可是只是那样的时刻的那么一刹那。

    But just like that instant in that moment .

  30. 一刹那间,那一千四百名龙骑卫队只剩下八百了,他们的大佐弗来也落马而死。

    In an instant the fourteen hundred dragoon guards numbered only eight hundred .