
  • 网络Tier 1 Capital;Tier One
  1. 但正如美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)上周所示,对于多数银行而言,这些股份必须在卖出后,它们的一级资本充足率才会受益。

    But for most banks , the stakes would have to be sold before their Tier 1 capital ratios would benefit , as Bank of America indicated last week .

  2. 瑞银表示,结合采取上述措施,将使一级资本比率升至12%以上。

    UBS said the combined moves would lift the bank 's Tier 1 capital ratio to more than 12 per cent .

  3. 以一级资本(主要由注册股本构成)衡量,工行的排名仍在前5名以外按此标准衡量,美国银行(bankofamerica)名列第一。

    It is still outside the top five ranked by tier-one capital , which largely comprises of Book Equity by that measure , Bank of America is number one .

  4. 澳大利亚国民银行(NationalAustraliaBank)上个月融资30亿澳元,而分析师目前预计,随着竞争对手也寻求将一级资本比率提高至8%的关口以上,市场上还会有更多股权融资。

    National Australia Bank last month raised A $ 3bn , and analysts now expect further equity raisings as rivals also seek to boost tier one ratios beyond the 8 per cent mark .

  5. 按照美联储使用的旧巴塞尔资本协定(BaselI)衡量,高盛的一级资本充足率就会降至13.8%。

    On the Basel I measure used by the Fed , Goldman 's tier one ratio falls to 13.8 per cent .

  6. 汇丰的核心一级资本充足率达到10%以上,远远超过《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)的规定,因此该行可以在其竞争对手收缩之际继续放贷。

    Basel III core tier one capital is comfortable at more than 10 per cent , so HSBC can keep lending while rivals cut back .

  7. 《巴塞尔协议iii》资本比率的定义比现行规定更加严格,对可计入“核心一级资本”的工具进行了限制。

    Basel III capital ratios rely on a tougher definition than current rules dictate , limiting the instruments that count as " core tier one capital " .

  8. imf建议,所有金融机构根据自身债务规模(减去一级资本和担保存款额)支付税款。

    The IMF recommends making all financial institutions pay the levy based on the size of their liabilities , minus tier one capital and insured deposits .

  9. 今年,它变卖了传家之宝:出售巴克莱全球投资者(barclaysglobalinvestors,简称bgi)将使其核心一级资本比率升至8.8%。

    This year it hawked the family silver : the sale of Barclays global investors will lift its core tier one capital ratio to 8.8 per cent .

  10. 它可以退守的业务是德国零售及企业银行业务,其风险状况允许它落在同行后面,按照巴塞尔协议iii核心一级资本比率7.2%运行。

    Its own fallback is German retail and corporate banking , whose risk profile lets it run a peer-trailing fully loaded Basel III core tier one capital ratio of 7.2 per cent .

  11. 国际上数量最多的是次级定期债,它被BIS计入二级资本,最高比例可达一级资本的50%。

    Term debt , the most commonly used worldwide , is included in the regulatory capital as tier-2 capital , subject to the limit of 50 % of tier-1 capital .

  12. 可实际上,在我国公司治理水平提升的同时,政府依然通过IPO市场准入和发售机制管制形成对一级资本市场的政府控制权。

    In fact , improved corporate governance in China , the Government is still available for sale through the IPO market access and regulatory mechanisms for the formation of a capital market of government control .

  13. 但最近,花旗(citigroup)和美林(merrilllynch)等大型金融机构发行了大量股票,以补充“一级资本(tier1capital)”,防止自己的业务遭遇流动性匮乏。

    And large financials , such as Citigroup and Merrill Lynch , have recently brought huge issues to market to help replenish tier 1 capital to prevent their operations being hampered by inadequate liquidity .

  14. 现在以一级资本作为界定标准,正是德国各州立银行(landesbanken)都能通过测试的原因所在。

    The current definition of tier one capital is the reason why all the German Landesbanken have passed the tests .

  15. 例如,在2002年至2010年间,瑞穗(Mizuho)所持股权在一级资本中所占比例便从141%降至49%。

    At Mizuho , for example , the ratio of equity holdings to Tier 1 fell from 141 per cent to 49 per cent between 2002 and 2010 .

  16. 他说,除了《巴塞尔协议III》针对所有银行规定的7%的核心一级资本比率之外,上述银行机构将需要一个固定的额外资本金比率。欧洲大陆一些国家对这一理念非常抗拒。

    He said that on top of the 7 per cent core tier-one capital defined by the Basel III accord for all banks , such institutions would need a fixed additional capital percentage , a concept that some parts of continental Europe are very resistant to .

  17. 法国财政部长克里斯丁拉加德(christinelagarde)表示,法国各银行应当用这些资金将各自的一级资本率提高至9%,达到与英国银行业“不相上下的水平”。

    Christine Lagarde , French finance minister , said French banks should use the funds to raise their tier-one capital ratios to 9 per cent , so that they are on " a level playing field " with British banks .

  18. 巴克莱内部人士表示,出售BGI的所得可将该银行7%的一级资本比率衡量其资产负债表健康状况的指标提高逾1个百分点,使其更接近英国金融服务管理局(FSA)的要求。

    Bank insiders said the proceeds would boost Barclays ' 7 per cent tier one capital ratio a measure of its balance sheet strength by more than 1 percentage point , and bring it nearer to the expectations of the Financial Services Authority .

  19. 虽然瑞银的整体一级资本比率为10%,仍处在相对健康的水平,但正如keefe,bruyette&woods所指出的,其一级股本比率(唯一可吸收亏损的一类资本)为7.4%,健康度欠佳。

    The headline tier one capital ratio is still a relatively healthy 10 per cent . But , as Keefe , Bruyette & woods points out , the equity tier one ratio the only kind capable of absorbing loss is a less robust 7.4 per cent .

  20. 但与国外银行仍有差距,尤其是在一级资本方面。

    But with foreign banks still have gap , especially in primary capital .

  21. 一级资本至少应是风险加权资产的7%。

    Tier 1 capital should be at least 7 per cent of risk-weighted assets .

  22. 相比之下,欧洲银行业的一级资本比率平均为8.1%。

    That compared with an average Tier-1 ratio among European banks of 8.1 % .

  23. 普通股权益至少应占一级资本的60%。

    Make common equity represent at least 60 per cent of Tier 1 capital .

  24. 此举将把其一级资本比率提高157个基点,至8.32%。

    The move will boost its tier one ratio by 157 basis points to 8.32 per cent .

  25. 除了股本和留存收益,一级资本还包括各种混合债务工具。

    Tier one capital includes equity and retained earnings but also various types of hybrid debt instruments .

  26. 瑞穗的中期目标是将综合一级资本比率提高至8%。

    Mizuho 's medium-term target is to increase its consolidated Tier 1 capital ratio to 8 per cent .

  27. 平均一级资本充足率为9.5%,高于西班牙、德国和意大利的同行。

    Average tier one capital adequacy is 9.5 or higher than counterparts in Spain , Germany and Italy .

  28. 然而,一旦股价下跌,便会产生未变现亏损,而眼下这些亏损必须从一级资本中扣除。

    Falling stock prices , though , caused unrealised losses , which now have to be deducted from tier one capital .

  29. 沃尔克规则允许银行将他们一级资本的最多3%投资于自营交易,对冲基金和私募股权。

    Volcker allows banks to invest up to3 % of their Tier-1 capital in prop trading , hedge funds and private equity .

  30. 处于核心一级资本占6.2%,似乎不高,但是通过减少股息,可能会助其一臂之力。

    Its core , tier-one capital , at6.2 % , looks low , but the reduced dividend may help shore it up .