
  • 网络State owned industry;state industry
  1. 将部分国营工业私有化。

    Hive off parts of a nationalized industry to private ownership .

  2. 最近几年,许多原先的国营工业都私营化了。

    The last few years have seen the privatization of many industries previously owned by the state .

  3. 到抗战后期却在通货膨胀、国营工业竞争和不科学物价管制政策联合作用下走向衰落。

    The late period of the War saw the shrink of the private industries under the joint effect of currency inflation , competition from the state-run industries and improper price-control policy .

  4. 国营的工业或商业,都已经开始发展,它们的前途是不可限量的。

    State-operated industry and commerce have begun to grow and they have boundless prospects .

  5. 结果,壳牌公司把这个价值220亿美元的项目的控股权转售给俄罗斯国营的天然气工业公司,随后调查宣告结束。

    The company sold control in the $ 22-billion project to state run natural gas company , Gazprom , and the investigation ended .