
ɡuó jì jīnɡ jì zhì xù
  • international economic order
  1. WTO及其争端解决机制的建立,则为维护国际经济秩序和解决国际贸易纠纷提供了强有力的法律保障机制。

    WTO and its trade dispute settlement body , have support powerful legal safeguard mechanism which for maintain international economic order and solve international trade dispute in the world .

  2. 我国加入WTO,将全方位推进我国经济国际化,为世界经济注入新的活力,进而为建立公正的国际经济秩序做出贡献。

    China 's entry into WTO will not only push the course of its economic internationalization but also contribute to fresh the world economy and establish a fair minded international economic order .

  3. IMF正将部分表决权和席位从欧洲国家手中拿走,这一艰苦过程尚未完成。欧洲在IMF的主导地位,反映的是该组织在建立之初的国际经济秩序。

    The fund is already halfway through a tortured process of shifting some votes and seats on the board away from Europe , whose dominance reflects the global economic order when the institution was set up .

  4. 一言以蔽之,南方国家期待一个新的国际经济秩序(NIEO)。

    In short , the south desires a New International Economic Order ( NIEO ) .

  5. 国际经济秩序、金融危机与中国的选择

    Financial crisis , International financial order and the choice of China

  6. 第三,国际经济秩序正向多元化发展。

    Third , the international economic order is developing to diversification .

  7. 英联邦新的国际经济秩序专家小组

    Commonwealth Experts ' Group on the New International Economic Order

  8. 新的国际经济秩序研究中心;

    Centre for research on the new international economic order ;

  9. 建立新的国际经济秩序的行动纲领;

    Programme of action on the establishment of a new international economic order ;

  10. 改革国际经济秩序实现共同繁荣

    Reform International Rules and Seek Common Prosperity

  11. 因为受经济全球化的影响,国际经济秩序的维护已不再是一个国家所能够完成的。

    Because of economic globalization , only one country cannot maintain the international eco-nomic order .

  12. 新的国际经济秩序讨论会

    Seminar on New International Economic Order

  13. 经济危机爆发之前,旧的国际经济秩序奋力紧跟变化。

    The old international economic order was struggling to keep up with change before the crisis .

  14. 有关新的国际经济秩序的国际法原则和规范的逐渐发展;

    Progressive development of the principles and norms of international law relating to the new international economic order ;

  15. 对于更青睐法治和国际经济秩序的国家,全球财富税是更好的措施。

    For countries that prefer the rule of law and an international economic order , a global wealth tax is a better bet .

  16. 三是推动建立平等、开放、公平、公正的国际经济秩序。

    Third , China and the United States are key stakeholders in the establishment of an equitable , open and fair international economic order .

  17. 日本商业联合会会长中西弘明周日表示,该协议对实现自由开放的国际经济秩序具有极其重要的意义。

    Japan Business Federation chairman Hiroaki Nakanishi said on Sunday that the signing is extremely significant toward realizing a free and open international economic order .

  18. 不幸的是,二战后国际经济秩序的建构者们并没有从这一时期吸取正确的教训。

    Unfortunately , the architects of the post – World War II international economic order did not always draw the right lessons from this period .

  19. 频发的银行案件,直接影响商业银行自身的生存和发展,威胁各个国家和整个国际经济秩序的稳定。

    Frequent cases of banks ' bankruptcy will directly affect the survival and development of all commercial banks and threaten the entire international economic order and stability .

  20. 中国发展研究基金会的副秘书长汤敏表示,很长一段时期,中国都处于在国际经济秩序之外。

    Tang Min , deputy secretary general of the China Development Research Foundation , said China has for a long time stayed outside the international economic order .

  21. 全球金融危机对世界经济及其基础和架构造成了很大冲击,也破坏了现有的国际经济秩序和全球化进程。

    The global financial crisis has shaken the world economy and its foundations and structures , and with it the existing international economic order and the process of globalization .

  22. 铭记联合国大会第六届特别会议通过的关于建立新的国际经济秩序的各项决议的广泛目标。

    Bearing in mind the Broad objectives in the resolutions adopted by the sixth special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the establishment of a New International Economic Order .

  23. 眼下,2011年即将接近尾声,我们寄望于新的一年中社会更加安定,国际经济秩序能够得以重建。

    Now , as 2011 draws to a close , we can only hope the new year will bring with it greater social stability and the restoration of a strong international economic order .

  24. 发展权是二战后发展中国家为了打破旧的国际经济秩序、平等的参与到发展进程中并公平的享有发展成果的诉求。

    The right to development in developing countries since World War II to break the old international economic order , equal participation in the development process and equal enjoyment of the fruits of development aspirations .

  25. 各国应加强经济技术的交流与合作,逐步改变不公正不合理的国际经济秩序,使经济全球化达到共赢和共存的目的。

    Countries should step up their economic and technical exchanges and cooperation and gradually transform the inequitable and irrational international economic order so that all will win and coexist as a result of economic globalization .

  26. 继续推动多哈回合谈判,反对各种形式的保护主义,促进国际经济秩序朝着更加公正、合理、共赢的方向发展。

    We will continue to give impetus to the Doha round of trade talks , oppose protectionism in all forms , and work to make the international economic order more just , equitable and mutually beneficial .

  27. 面对这种前景,北京方面很可能会断定,维系一个开放、和平、基于规则的国际经济秩序(他们从这个秩序中受益匪浅),给他们带来的好处要比他们之前所认为的少得多。

    Beijing , faced with such a prospect , may well conclude that their stake in sustaining an open , peaceful and rules-based international economic order something from which they have benefited greatly is considerably less than they previously believed .

  28. 在经济全球化的背景下,建立一个公平竞争的国际经济秩序,促进人类的共同繁荣,是建立国际经济新秩序的重要课题。

    In the context of economic globalization , establishing an international economic order on the basis of fair competition with a view to bringing about prosperity for all human beings is an inevitable task of building a new international economic order .

  29. 与此同时,金融风险问题日益突出,这不仅直接影响着商业银行自身的生存和发展,而且威胁着各个国家和整个国际经济秩序的稳定。

    But at the same time , financial risk is becoming increasingly prominent , which is not only a direct impact on commercial banks for their existence and development , but also a threat to the economic order and stability all over the world .

  30. 由于法律因素具有合法性、持续性等特征,同时政治、经济、文化等因素导致的摩擦绝大多数都将通过法律途径加以解决,故它对国际经济秩序的影响及破坏性最大。

    As the legitimacy of legal factors , characteristics such as continuity , while the political , economic , and cultural factors will lead to frictions most be resolved through legal channels , so the impact of its international economic order and the most devastating .