
ɡuó mín jǐnɡ wèi duì
  • national guard
  1. 战争期间,他在国民警卫队呆过一段时间。

    He spent part of the war in the National Guard

  2. 国民警卫队和预备役的征兵工作8月下旬开始。

    The call-up of National Guard and reserve units begun in late August .

  3. 马德里议会大厦被国民警卫队接管了。

    The parliament in Madrid was taken over by civil guards .

  4. 我是国民警卫队的飞行员,我的另一个弟弟是我们部门的长官,我们提出去送托尼。

    Since I was an Army National Guard pilot and my another brother was my crew chief , we offered to take Tony to catch his transport overseas .

  5. 国民警卫队(nationalguard)将在遭受断电和水灾的地区分发食物和水。

    The national guard is to distribute food and water in areas suffering from lack of power and flood damage .

  6. 阿拉巴马州州长本特雷(RobertBentley)已经部署了2000名国民警卫队士兵协助进行搜救工作。

    Alabama Governor Robert Bentley has deployed 2000 National Guard troops to in search-and-rescue efforts .

  7. 法国和委内瑞拉有关部门逮捕了逾九名嫌犯,其中有三人是委内瑞拉国民警卫队(VenezuelanNationalGuard)成员。

    French and Venezuelan authorities arrested more than nine people , including three members of the Venezuelan National Guard , for their involvement .

  8. 在新奥尔良以南的普拉克明县,大水漫过一座防洪堤,冲击了附近的居住区,美国国民警卫队(NationalGuard)对几十名未注意到疏散令的居民实施了营救。

    In Plaquemines parish , south of New Orleans , a levee was overtopped , flooding surrounding neighbourhoods and forcing the National Guard to rescue dozens of residents who had not heeded evacuation orders .

  9. 马里兰州已宣布进入紧急状态。州长拉里霍根(LarryHogan)表示,5000名国民警卫队官兵及另外5000名来自其他州的警察已被调往巴尔的摩。

    A state of emergency has been declared and Larry Hogan , governor , said 5,000 National Guard troops and another 5,000 police from other states had been called to Baltimore .

  10. 市长穆里尔·鲍泽也将启动华盛顿国民警卫队。

    Mayor Muriel Bowser is also activating the D.C. National Guard .

  11. 国民警卫队奉命出动去帮助扑灭大火。

    The National Guard has been called out to help fight fire .

  12. 难道卖空者还要遭到美国国民警卫队的射杀么?

    Are short sellers also to be shot by the National Guard ?

  13. 也许国民警卫队能帮上忙。

    Maybe someone from the national guard can get her .

  14. 奥巴马政府反对将国民警卫队安排在边境上。

    The Obama administration rejected putting National Guard troops along the border .

  15. 到下周末在国民警卫队就有八年了。

    Eight years in the national guard every other weekend .

  16. 在新英格兰,国民警卫队正在对被洪水淹没的地方进行协助巡逻。

    The national guard is helping patrol flooded areas in new england .

  17. 国民警卫队空军部队

    NGAC ( National Guard Air Corps ) Unified Police Force of Mostar

  18. 给国民警卫队下达命令疏散整个南部

    Give the order for the National Guard to evacuate Southern states .

  19. 他带来了国民警卫队,并对所有罢工官员进行射击。

    He brought in the National Guard and fired all striking officers .

  20. 国民警卫队指挥官格拉汉将军

    by General Graham , commander of the National Guard ,

  21. 国民警卫队被调往镇压游行的500名学生

    The National Guard are ordered in to control 500 protesting students .

  22. 犹他州的国民警卫队队员已经开始在亚利桑那-墨西哥边境巡逻。

    Utah National Guard members have begun their work on the Arizona-Mexico border .

  23. 国民警卫队最近颇以开枪为乐事。

    The National Guard have been very trigger-happy lately .

  24. 在某些地区,国民警卫队已经做好了准备。

    The National Guard is ready in some areas .

  25. 告诉国民警卫队检查一下他们的清单。

    Have the National Guard armory check its inventory .

  26. 国民警卫队正在与教区共同疏散。

    The national guard is working with the Parish to help that evacuation .

  27. 宵禁是在召集国民警卫队之后发布的。

    That 's after calling in the National Guard .

  28. 约翰·尼科尔斯是得州国民警卫队的副官。

    John Nichols is the adjutant general with the Texas ' National Guard .

  29. 克雷格·梅茵哈特是陆军国民警卫队中的一员。

    Craig Meinhardt is with the Army National Guard .

  30. 美国国民警卫队已向受影响地区居民提供了洁净用水。

    National Guard had been distributing water to those living in the affected area .