
ɡuó jì ān quán
  • international security
  1. 在20世纪,国际安全面临的主要威胁是超级大国之间的冲突。

    In the 20th century the main threat to international security was superpower conflict .

  2. 在9月召开的紧急会议上,联合国安理会(UnitedNationsSecurityCouncil)宣布,埃博拉危机是构成了国际安全威胁。

    At an emergency meeting in September , the United Nations Security Council declared the Ebola crisis a threat to international security .

  3. 安全电子交易(SET)作为电子商务的国际安全标准,通过制定标准和采用公钥密码体制和X。

    As international safety standard of E-commerce , SET ( Secure Electronic Transaction ) embodies the security demand of each side in trading to transmit commercial information on internet .

  4. 符合CE国际安全标准。

    Meet the CE international safety standards .

  5. WTO多边贸易体制的建立,标志着以规则和制度为基础、以经济实力作为支撑力量的新型国际安全格局的确立。

    WTO multilateral trade system signifies the establishment of a new type of international security pattern with regulation and principle as the base and economic strength as the backbone .

  6. 本文严格按照ISO15408和BS7799国际安全标准,开展对IP网安全的研究工作。

    This thesis is based on the international standard such as ISO 15408 and BS 7799 to work over network security .

  7. WynRees是英国杜汉姆大学的一位国际安全专家,他说英国的国防制造商是全球顶尖的,而且很热衷于营销。

    He says Britain 's defense manufacturers are some of the top globally and are keen to make sales .

  8. 警局的成员,国际安全部队,众所周知的UNPOL新近尝试提升公众对准备绑架释放费的知晓率。

    The police component of the international security force , known as UNPOL , recently tried to raise public awareness by releasing tips on kidnapping preparedness .

  9. 国际安全环境是复杂的,正在迅速变化。

    The international security environment is complex and is rapidly changing .

  10. 国际安全战略走向与中国军队后勤转型

    The trend of international safety strategy and Chinese troops logistic reform

  11. 所有的这些小配件应符合相关国际安全等同规格。

    All these gadgets shall conform to relevant is specification equivalent .

  12. 积极参与本地区及国际安全社区网络的有关活动。

    Ongoing participation in national and international safe communities networks .

  13. 略论《国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》实施对我国海事管理的影响

    Implementation Impact of Convention for Recycling of Ships on Chinese Maritime Administration

  14. 在相互依存的世界上的新裁军议程和国际安全

    New disarmament agenda and international security in the interdependent world

  15. 北约领导的国际安全援助力量在阿富汗有4万3千多人。

    The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force has 43000 troops in Afghanistan .

  16. 海上石油运输通道国际安全制度之构建

    International Security System Construction on Marine Petroleum Transport Channel

  17. 疾病暴发对国际安全造成的威胁是一个明显的例子。

    The threat to international security posed by outbreaks is an obvious example .

  18. 论当代国际安全及其对世界和平的影响

    Contemporary international security and its impacts on global peace

  19. 他说它会导致竞争行为的发生,而这也会威胁到国际安全。

    He says the competition this could create may also threaten international security .

  20. 一些热点问题仍对地区乃至国际安全造成严重影响。

    Some hot spots continue to cause serious impacts on regional and interna-tional security .

  21. 北约飞机一直遵守国际安全标准。

    Nato aircraft adhere to international safety standards .

  22. 一些新出现和有流行倾向的疾病直接威胁到国家和国际安全。

    Some emerging and epidemic-prone diseases are direct threats to national and international security .

  23. 世界新格局与国际安全

    New World Power Structure and International Security

  24. 这种合作也会改变石油生产在国际安全领域的竞争性地位。

    Doing so would also alter the competitive role of oil production in international security .

  25. 维护国际安全,必须彻底摒弃冷战思维

    " To maintain international security , it is essential to discard the cold-war mentality "

  26. 2006:国际安全与中国外交

    International Security and Chinese Diplomacy in 2006

  27. 核扩散与反扩散:当代国际安全深化的困境&以朝鲜核试验为例

    Deepening Predicament of International Security : The DPRK 's Nuclear Test and Its Empirical Implications

  28. 国际安全形势中复杂和动荡的因素有所上升。

    The complex and destabilizing factors in the international security landscape are on the rise .

  29. 在冷战结束后的新形势下,现实主义和自由主义的传统理论对于解决大国间的国际安全问题不无价值和启示。

    The two theories are valuable for solving the security problems in the post-Cold War era .

  30. 散货船国际安全措施

    International Safety Measures of Bulk Carriers