
  • 网络political entity;body politic;polity
  1. 这个国家不再是一个统一的政治实体了。

    The country is no longer one political entity .

  2. 往往人们会把宗教观念与民族等同起来,甚至把宗教看做一种政治实体。

    People sometimes equate religious and national and even used religion as a political entity .

  3. 历史和政治实体的份量(芯诺C.施米特)

    The weight of history and political realities ( Benno C. Schmidt , Jr. )

  4. 边界是划分不同政治实体及其管辖地域的政治地理界线。

    Boundary is a political geographical line between two different political entities .

  5. 应该根据下面四个标准来判断一个政治实体是不是具有完备形态的国家。

    Four principles can be used to judge whether a state has complete formation .

  6. 国家需要具备的条件用于区分国家与其他政治实体。

    The qualifications for a state are used to distinguish states from other political entities .

  7. 历史和政治实体的份量该党的政治力量在增强。

    The weight of history and political realities The party 's political muscle is growing .

  8. 历史和政治实体的份量

    The weight of history and political realities

  9. 这些地缘政治实体在道德正义方面有发言权。

    These are the geo-political entities who may have some claim to moral integrity and authenticity .

  10. 英格兰王国与苏格兰王国原是不列颠岛上两个比较大的独立政治实体。

    England and Scotland are used to be two large independent political bodies on the British Islands .

  11. 必须把握一个根本性前提:主权财富基金是政治实体,因此就应如此对待。

    The underlying premise must be that SWFs are political entities and should be treated as such .

  12. 两个对等的政治实体

    Two equal political entities

  13. 其中一个原因就是欧盟现在已经变成了一个政治实体,他包含了28个国家说21种不同的语言。

    Because the European Union is now a political entity and an area of28 different countries and21 different languages .

  14. 该公司三分之二股权由挪威政府持有,但伦德坚持称该公司不是政治实体。

    The group is two-thirds owned by the Norwegian state but Mr Lund insisted it was a non-political entity .

  15. 欧元是一种没有统一政治实体的“联盟货币”;

    As the nature of Euro is " a u-nion currency " without the support of a unified political entity ;

  16. 他说,作为一家上市公司,挪威国家石油公司不同于其他一些国家石油公司,它不是一个政治实体。

    As a publicly listed company , Statoil was not a political entity like some other national oil companies , he said .

  17. 某个民族国家今天拥有的疆域,在过去很可能属于不同的政治实体,有着不同的后裔。

    Territory held today by a given nation-state in the past likely belonged to a different political entity , one with other descendents .

  18. 任何一个国家或者政治实体在选择关税同盟作为经济一体化的方式时,都有自己的政治经济判断。

    Any state or political entity choose customs union as an economic integrated way , depending on specific economic motives and political theories .

  19. 最高法院和宪法是国家作为一个政治实体和世界观点的大熔炉之间的壁垒。

    The Supreme court , and the constitution , are bulwarks between this country 's political identity and the bubbling cauldron of world opinion .

  20. 同时,探讨了古代政治实体处理相互间关系的原则和与之相适应的用语。

    At the same time , it probes the principle and the dictions of dealing with the interrelations between political entities in ancient times .

  21. 法律只有在一种正式的环境中才能产生,而这种环境涉及到一个政治实体的立法、司法和行政机构及其制度。

    Law exists only in a formal setting that involves the legislative , judicial , and executive arms of a political body and its system .

  22. 在村庄外部,共同体作为一个政治实体,使政府的行政管理明显带有“农民政治”的色彩。

    Outside , the village community , as a political entity , makes the administration of government show the character of " peasant politics " .

  23. 欧洲观念是欧洲人对欧洲这一特定地理区域和文化政治实体所具有的实在的、或想象的特征的认识。

    The Idea of Europe indicates the Europeans ' consciousness of the real and imagined characters of Europe as a geographical region and a cultural area .

  24. 卡尔马克思提醒我们,资本跨越国界,便会逃离对象国政治实体的管制,这一点已成为现实。

    We are reminded by Karl Marx that capital goes beyond national borders and eludes control from any other entity . This has become a reality .

  25. 县,作为最为稳定的一级区域性政权设置,构成当代中国政治实体、区域经济和综合社区的基本单元。

    County , as the most stable regional administrative establishment , constitutes the basic unit of the political body , regional economy and comprehensive community in modern China .

  26. 国内学术界对巴勒斯坦和约旦两个政治实体诸多问题的研究已发表了一系列的研究成果,但从历史发展的角度对约巴关系历史渊源,发展演变进行系统全面研究的论著尚不多见。

    Although domestic scholars have published a series of research papers on Palestine and Jordan , they seldom study the relationship between Jordan and Palestine completely and systematically .

  27. 古代政治实体中的争斗主要开始于争夺选举地方行政官的权利或维持一国内部几个阶层间的平衡。

    Most of the contests in the ancient commonwealths turned primarily on the right of election of magistrates , or on the balance among the several orders of the state .

  28. 欧盟扩大、欧盟宪法草案获得通过,欧盟作为一个政治实体,迈出了坚实而重要的一步。

    The EU 's enlargement and the approval of EU 's draft charter show that the EU , as a political identity , has taken a steady and important step .

  29. 布什总统打算废除美国的主权北美联盟,一个新的经济和政治实体的总统正悄然形成,就像欧洲联盟已经形成。

    President Bush intends to abrogate US sovereignty to the North American Union , a new economic and political entity which the President is quietly forming , much as the European Union has formed .

  30. 尽管存在派系上的分歧,但库尔德人仍能够在伊拉克北部自治区和叙利亚(程度不及前者)建立一个组织完善、可以治理收复地盘的政治实体。

    Despite factional differences , the Kurds still form a coherent political entity in their autonomous region of northern Iraq ( and to a lesser extent in Syria ) which can govern retaken ground .