
zhènɡ zhì rèn wù
  • politic task;political task
  1. 政府高级官员称,加强学校安全是一项政治任务。

    School security a'major political task ' : senior leader .

  2. 反腐倡廉是一项重大的政治任务。

    The fight against corruption is a major political task .

  3. “在地方领导看来,节能降耗已成为一项政治任务,比gdp增长等政绩要重要很多,”一位干部向《经济观察报》表示。

    " In the eyes of the local leaders , improving energy efficiency has become a matter of government duty , one that is far more important than GDP growth or other political achievements , " an official in Wenzhou told the economic observer .

  4. 但是,改革已不再像过去那样成为首要政治任务。

    But these are no longer the overriding political imperatives they once were .

  5. 这是极大的政治任务和组织任务。

    This is a tremendous political and organizational task .

  6. 一文化工作服从于政治任务

    I Cultural work as it serves the political mission

  7. 无论哪一种势力或哪一种派别的文化工作,都是服从其政治任务的。

    All forces and groups subordinate their cultural work to their political mission .

  8. 党的组织工作,保证了党的政治任务的胜利的完成。

    The Party 's organizational work ensured the fulfillment of its political tasks .

  9. 摘要构建和谐社会是长期而艰巨的政治任务。

    It is a long-term and arduous political task to build the harmonious society .

  10. 三是处理好政治任务与产业经营的关系;

    Political tasks and business operations ;

  11. 坚决反对和防止腐败,是全党一项重大的政治任务。

    O combat and prevent corruption resolutely is a major political task of the whole party .

  12. 这使得加强节能减排工作不仅是一项重要的经济任务,也是一项重大的政治任务。

    The energy conservation is not only a major economic task , but also a political task .

  13. 节能减排是一项强制性的指令,是各级政府的政治任务。

    Energy saving and emission reduction is a compulsory and unavoidable task for the governments at all levels .

  14. 只有那些天真的人的或是那些有政治任务在身的人才会认为,经济周期可以消除。

    Only the na ? Ve or those with a political agenda believe that the economic cycle can be eliminated .

  15. 军队干部转业到地方工作,是国家和军队的一项重要制度,也是一项重要的政治任务。

    Resettling military officers to civilian work place is not only an important system , but also an important political task .

  16. 但是他表示,应该调查这些带有明显政治任务的组织501-C-4免税身份的应用。

    But he says it should also look into the use of 501-C-4 status by groups with the explicitly political missions .

  17. 为提高党员的标准而斗争,这是当前党的重要的政治任务之一。

    Working hard to raise the standards of Party membership is one of the Party 's important political tasks at the present time .

  18. 相比之下,日本把本国12名被绑架者的命运视为优先政治任务,媒体经常采访这些人的家属。

    By contrast , Japan regards the fate of12 abductees as a political priority and the media frequently carry interviews with their relatives .

  19. 各种势力的文化工作都是与其政治任务密切联系着的,所谓超政治的文化是不存在的。

    Every force 's cultural work is closely linked to its political mission ; there is no such thing as culture which transcends politics .

  20. 因此说,实现这项制度的可持续发展首先是一项政治任务,同时也是一项经济活动。

    Hence , the realization of the sustainable development of this system is a political task first of all and as well an economic activity .

  21. 反腐倡廉是关系到党和国家生死存亡的政治任务,必须高度重视。

    Anticorruption is a political task that has something to do with the grave crisis of the nation , which must be attached high attention .

  22. 但不能仅仅因为银行家将投资铁路视为某种政治任务,就意味着他们在把钱往水里扔。

    But just because investing in railways is seen by bankers as something of a political task does not mean they are throwing their money away .

  23. 这是一项十分重大的任务,既是重大的政治任务,又是重大的理论任务。

    This is a momentous theoretical and political task , and it certainly cannot be accomplished just by rehashing the same old arguments copied from a book .

  24. 为什么要实施这个战略任务?它的理论依据是什么?它的基本内容和形态如何?怎样科学有效地实施?这是摆在决策者面前的政治任务,也是对理论工作者的拷问。

    Why should carry out the strategic task ? Its theoretical basis is what ? Its basic contents and forms ? How to scientifically and effectively implemented ?

  25. 迄今为止,上述趋势均未阻碍或逆转促进竞争的市场改革。但是,改革已不再像过去那样成为首要政治任务。

    None of those trends has so far halted or reversed pro-competitive market reforms . But these are no longer the overriding political imperatives they once were .

  26. 顺利开展选举工作,既是一项光荣的政治任务,同时也是享有选举权的选民所不可推卸的责任。

    Successfully carrying out the election is not only a glorious political task , but also the voters who enjoy the right to vote can not shirk responsibility .

  27. 吸引外资,利用外资来发展地方经济,有利于转变政府职能,造福于民。对于地方政府而言,吸引外资,发展地方经济仍然是当前最大的政治任务。

    The major duty for local governments now is to transfer governmental functions , invite foreign capital , develop local economy with it , and benefit the people .

  28. 信息安全等级保护制度是国家信息安全保障工作的重要内容,也是一项事关国家安全、社会稳定的政治任务。

    Classification protection system for Information security is an important aspect of national information security , and is also a political task for national security and social stability .

  29. 如何做好监狱罪犯的教育改造工作,是当前一项重大的政治任务和教育研究任务。

    How to do a good job of education transformation of the prison criminal , it is a great political task and educating the task of studying at present .

  30. 有重点地做好高校青年教师党员发展工作是高校党建工作中一项长期且重要的政治任务。

    For party building in institutes of higher learning , it is a long-term and important political task to lay heavy stress on recruiting new party members among young teachers .