
  1. 谢冰莹传奇的一生从她考入中央军事政治学校女生队开始,随即她参与北伐;

    Hsieh Ping-Ying legend 's life begins from her school of Central Military and Politics and then she involved in the Northern Expedition .

  2. 很简单的一些标语、图画和讲演,使得农民如同每个都进过一下子政治学校一样,收效非常之广而速。

    Simple slogans , cartoons and speeches have produced such a widespread and speedy effect among the peasants that every one of them seems to have been through a political school .

  3. 基层党校作为教育、培训党员干部的政治学校,应在新形势下充分发挥应有作用,用科学发展观教育、培养党员干部,服务社会主义现代化事业。

    The Party schools at the basic level party as the political school which educating members and cadres should give full play under the new form , training with the scientific development view and then serve the socialist modernization program .

  4. 组织政治:学校管理的新视角

    New Perspective of School Administration : Organizational Politics

  5. 浅析新形势下思想政治课堂暨学校德育工作

    Political Education Class and Ideological Work under the new Situation

  6. 原因可能包括在美国文化方面的变化还有在政治上对学校系统的控制里。

    The causes may include changes in American culture as well as in the political control of school systems .

  7. 加强和改进党建思想政治工作促进学校的改革和发展

    To Strengthen the Construction of the Party and the Ideological and Political Work for Promoting the Reform and the Development of Our School

  8. 思想政治课是学校德育的主渠道,也是系统地对学生进行德育的最主要途径。

    Ideological and political class is the main channel for moral education in schools ; it is also an important approach to develop students ' moral awareness .

  9. 解决问题的出路在于,一方面,应明确厘定政治运作与学校专业活动之间的合理界限;

    If we want to improve the scheme of our school management , the first of all , we should make a clear distinction between the political field and educational activity ;

  10. 在《教育及文化》一章中,规定保障学术自由,不以宗教信仰政治思想干涉学校行政;

    The section on " Education and Culture " provided that " academic freedom shall be guaranteed , and there shall be no interference with school and college administration for reasons of religious belief or political thought ";

  11. 文章从思想政治工作是学校工作的生命线和促进大学生素质的全面提高上说明思想政治教育在高校素质教育中的地位与作用;

    This article illustrates the position and function of ideological and political education in the college comprehensive quality education viewed from that ideological and political work is the lifeblood of school work and essential to promote the comprehensive quality of college students .

  12. 思想政治工作在高等学校改革中的作用及其实践

    The Function and Practice of Ideological and Political Work in the Campus Reform

  13. 把思想政治教育融于学校管理之中,建立长效工作机制。

    Molten the ideological political education into the school management , establish the democratic mechanisms .

  14. 对于大学生思想政治教育来讲,学校环境显得尤为重要。

    In terms of ideological and political education , the school environment is particularly important .

  15. 政治教育是指学校对中学生进行政治立场、政治方向的教育。品德教育是指道德行为、道德作风方面的教育。

    Political education is the education the school gives students about political stand and direction .

  16. 高等院校是培养高素质人才的摇篮,思想政治教育工作在学校工作中起着基础性的导向作用。

    College is the cradle of high quality people , in which Ideology and Politics education performs a basic function .

  17. 政治课在德国学校政治教育中发挥着主导作用,承载着重要的社会政治职能。

    The political course develops the leading effect in German school political education and bears the weight of social and political function .

  18. 因此,加强大学生的思想政治教育是高等学校极为重要的任务。

    Therefore , the strengthening of ideological and political education of university students is an extremely important task of colleges and universities .

  19. 高校思想政治教育关系到学校人才培养质量,关系到社会稳定,关系到国家未来。

    Ideological and political education is closely linked to the quality of college students , social stabilization and the future of our country .

  20. 思想政治教育是高等学校教育的重要内容,真诚则是思想政治教育的基本原则。

    Education on Ideology politics is an important content of higher education . Sincerity is a basic principle of education on ideology politics .

  21. 从改革政治体制,加强学校教育,加强大学生自身建设等方面促进当代大学生积极有序的政治参与。

    From the reform of the political system , strengthening schools education , self-construction of college students promote college students active and orderly participation in politics .

  22. 他平生第一次政治行动是给学校领导写信,攻击死板的课程设置和小资情调的内容。

    His first political act was to write a letter to the school administration attacking the rigidity of the curriculum and certain bourgeois sentiments it enshrined .

  23. 大学生网络消费虽然是个人的事情,却受到社会价值、文化发展、政治、经济和学校教育方式、家庭等因素的影响。

    Although college students Internet consumption are personal things , it is always being affected by social value , culture development , political and economical things and universities and families .

  24. 平衡德育生态的方案在于从经济、政治、文化、学校德育方面共同着手,调整德育生态系统至平衡,营造良性运作的德育社会生态。

    The way-out is to take measures from all aspects of the society , such as economy , politics , culture and schools to balance the ecology of moral education .

  25. 政治课作为高等学校对学生进行思想政治教育的主渠道,在当今市场经济条件下,怎样才能更好地发挥其功能,提高教学效率呢?

    How to bring political lesson into full play in the current market economy situation and how to improve its teaching efficient since political lesson is the main method of training the students ' political thought ?

  26. 思想政治理论课是学校根据国家和社会的需要,有目的地培养学生的思想意识和道德品质的教育。

    The ideological and political theory education in higher vocational colleges is a kind of education , in which the students ' ideology and moral trait are developed purposely in accordance with the national and social needs .

  27. 影响我国中学德育管理新体制建立与完善的原因是:德育的泛政治化倾向、学校德育内容不稳定,缺乏整体系统规划、上级领导部门的微观化管理。

    The reason why the new management system of middle schools moral education can not be set up is the political inclination of moral education , the unsteady moral contents and the micro management from the higher department .

  28. 由于历史的积淀与政治的影响,学校德育常常被思想政治教育代替,教学被简化、窄化为传递或灌输道德价值的过程。

    But under the influence of some historic and political factors , moral education in schools was replaced by ideological and political education , and teaching was simplified and narrowed down to a process of morality transmission or infusion .

  29. 高考既涉及政府、学校、学生、家长等多方面的利益主体,又和社会、政治、经济、学校教育、文化进行着双向互动。

    The entrance examination for College involves in various beneficial main bodies such as the government , the schools , the students , the guardians and so on , and interacts with the society , politics , the economy , the education , the culture .

  30. 即便如此,对于人类我还会给予很高的评价,我相信,如果商业利益和政治利益没有通过学校和媒体系统,腐蚀各民族的正常理智,那么战争这一妖魔很早之前就不复存在了。

    And yet so high , in spite of everything , is my opinion of the human race that I believe this bogey would have disappeared long ago , had the sound sense of the nations not been systematically corrupted by commercial and political interests acting through the schools and the Press .