
zhènɡ zhì xié shānɡ
  • political consultation
  1. 常设政治协商和一致政治行动机制

    Permanent Mechanism for Political Consultation and Concerted Political Actio

  2. 政治协商是中国多党合作体系的一个主要方面。

    Political consultation is a major aspect of China 's multi-party cooperation system .

  3. 此前区宗杰一直待在北京,参加一年一度的中国人民政治协商会议(CPPCC)。

    He had been in Beijing , attending the annual meeting of the Chinese People 's Political Consultative Conference .

  4. 经过5年的全球政治协商、筹资和准备之后,最新的h1n1流感病毒,将给5年来世界卫生组织(who)协调建立的相关机制和药物储备带来第一场真正的考验。

    After five years of political discussion , funding and preparations around the globe , the latest H1N1 virus will provide the first real test of systems and stockpiles put in place since the middle of the decade , co-ordinated by the World Health Organisation .

  5. 加强和改善多党合作和政治协商制度

    Strengthen and improve the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultations

  6. 在新政治协商会议筹备会上的讲话

    Address to the preparatory meeting of the New Political Consultative Conference

  7. 地方委员会〔中国人民政治协商会议〕

    Local Committee [ Chinese People 's Political Consultative Conference ]

  8. 一个象征形象的成功,是与勤奋的政治协商密不可分的。

    A symbolic performance is combined with studious political negotiation .

  9. 庆贺中国人民政治协商会议的成功!

    Hail the triumph of the Chinese People 's Political Consultative Conference !

  10. 多党合作制度和政治协商制度的坚持、完善和机制创新进行了有益的阐述,对党的制度建设提供了有效的参考价值。

    The passage provides effective reference for the party system 's construction .

  11. 全国政治协商工作的一部分。

    To be part of the national consultative work ;

  12. 华沙条约成员国政治协商委员会

    Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty Member States

  13. 试论1946年政治协商会议对战后中国政治蓝图的设计

    The Designation of Postwar Chinese Political Blueprint by the Political Consultative Conference in 1946

  14. 北约政治协商制源起的历史分析

    The Approach of the Consultation System in NATO

  15. 论多党合作与政治协商制度的法治化中国人民政治协商委员会地方委员会

    On the Constitutionality of Multi-party Cooperation and Political Consultation System ; CPPCC Local Committees

  16. 论20世纪50-80年代北约对外战略中的政治协商制度

    On NATO 's consultation system , 1950s-1980s

  17. 布达佩斯政治协商委员会会议

    Budapest Meeting of the Political Consultative Committee

  18. 中国人民政治协商会议界别分组

    Chinese People 's Political Consultative Conference subsector

  19. 政治协商会议的这些协议,在后来不久都被蒋介石一一撕毁。

    These Political Consultative Conference agreements were soon torn up by him one after another .

  20. 政治协商制度与现代政治文明

    Political Consultative System Modern Political Civilization

  21. 多党合作和政治协商制度与先进生产力的发展要求

    The System of Multi-Party Cooperation and Political Consultation and the Social Productivity Development Demand in China

  22. 政治协商制度独具的政治权能,有助于完善政治制度体系、拓展政治参与渠道、调节政治关系、整合政治意识。

    There are some powers and functions with Chinese characteristics in the system of political consultation .

  23. 1946年1月的政治协商会议;

    1946.1 , Political Consultative Conference ;

  24. 统一祖国政治协商会议

    Political Consultative Conference for National Reunification

  25. 浅议中国人民政治协商会议的职能和地位

    Function and Status of CPPCC

  26. 跨越&纪念多党合作和政治协商制度确立60年

    Strides : Commemorating the 60 ~ ( th ) Anniversary of Multi-party Cooperation and Political Consultation System

  27. 我们的新的政治协商会议的筹备会,今天开幕了。

    Today we are holding the inaugural session of the Preparatory Meeting of the New Political Consultative Conference .

  28. 我们的人民政治协商会议第一届全国委员会第三次会议,现在开会了。

    The Third Session of the First National Committee of our People 's Political Consultative Conference is now open .

  29. 蒋介石不愿意遵守政治协商会议的决议和停战令。

    Chiang Kai-shek was not willing to observe the resolutions of the Political Consultative Conference and the cease-fire order .

  30. 在一年一度的政治协商会议上,房子成为热议的话题,从普通老百姓到国家政策的制定者。

    At the annual session of China 's top political advisory body , housing issues have rocketed up the agenda .