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  • political comment
政论 [zhèng lùn]
  • [political comment] 针对当时政治问题发表的评论

政论[zhèng lùn]
  1. 本文主要采用调查统计与语料分析相结合的方法,描写了状位形容词重叠式在艺术语体和政论语体中的差异,并从语体方面做出了解释。

    By the methods of investigation statistic and analyzing language materials , this paper describes the differences of the adverbial reduplication of adjectives in artistic style and political comment style , and make explanations from the style .

  2. 此文的题目为浅谈汉朝政论文体翻译中的若干问题,这里的汉语是汉族的语言,是中国的主要语言;

    The title of this article is " Problems in Translating Political Comment Style from Chinese into Korean " . In this article , Chinese is the language of the Han nationality and the main language in China .

  3. 浅析ChinaDaily中政论性报道之文体特征

    The Stylistic Features of Political Reports in China Daily

  4. 第四章讨论政论文f术翻译所必须遵循的标准,探讨政论文体的翻译忠实与原文的可能与必然。

    Chapter Four discusses the criteria for the English translation of political essays .

  5. 所罗门曾是渥太华电视政论节目权利与政治(PowerandPolitics)主持人,此外,他还主持CBC广播电台TheHouse节目。外界曾预期,在CBC主播曼斯布里奇(PeterMansbridge)退休时,现年47岁的所罗门将是接任CBC主播的不二人选。

    Solomon , 47 , was the Ottawa-based host of Power and Politics on television and The House on CBC radio , and had been one of the people touted to replace Peter Mansbridge on The National when the veteran newsman retires .

  6. 爱丽丝·沃克(AliceWalker)是美国黑人女诗人、小说家,杂文家,女权主义者兼政论家。她不仅是当代美国文坛最杰出、最具影响力的作家之一,也是妇女文学与黑人文学的杰出代表。

    As a poet , essayist , novelist and feminist , Alice Walker is not only one of the most prominent writers in contemporary American literary field , but also an outstanding representative of women literature and Afro-American literature .

  7. 当代政论文体语言的修辞特色探析

    An Analysis of Rhetoric Features of Language in Contemporary Administrative Essays

  8. 目前的政论气候使人们感到泄气。

    People are demoralised by the present climate of political opinion .

  9. 蒋廷黻是著名的史学家、政论家和外交家。

    Chiang T'ing-fu is a famous historian , political commentator and diplomat .

  10. 作为中国现代史上著名的新闻出版家和政论家,邹韬奋是一个有着重大影响的历史人物。

    Zou Tao-fen is a great influence person in modern Chinese history .

  11. 群体政治心态与晚清政论报刊市场

    Group Political Mood and Market of Political Comment Newspapers in Late-Qing Dynasty

  12. 第四章探讨了政论隐喻的翻译。

    Chapter Four deals with the translation of political metaphor .

  13. 政论体汉英翻译中的文化因素

    On the Cultural Factors in Translating Political Writings from Chinese to English

  14. 我国新时期政论文体的翻译

    On the English Translation of the Political Essays in the New Era

  15. 我需要一本他的最新政论文集。

    I need a copy of his latest collection of political essays .

  16. 当今俄语政论中的成语转换

    On the Idiom Transformation in Current Russian Political Comment

  17. 第二章论述了政论隐喻的概念、识别和分类。

    Chapter Two is the notion , identification and classification of political metaphor .

  18. 论韩非政论的文学价值

    On Literary Value of Han Fei 's Political Essay

  19. 现代俄语报刊政论语体的基本特征

    The Fundamental Characteristics of Modern Russian Newspapers Style

  20. 但很缺少怎样把中文政论文体翻译成朝鲜语的理论研究。

    But researches on theories of translating Chinese political criticism into Korean are short .

  21. 日本留学生与政论文学

    Chinese Students Studying in Japan and Political Literature

  22. 我读了他的一些政论性杂文。

    I read some of his political essays .

  23. 报纸内容以政论性的宣传鼓动文章为主,读者则多为社会上的精英分子阶层。

    The content give priority to agitprop , and readers are super classes of society .

  24. 语言表现手段促进了西汉政论散文写作形态的变革;

    Linguistic manifestation means have promoted the transformation of XiHan political comment prose writing form ;

  25. 电视述评作为形象化的政论,在新闻评论中占有主体地位。

    Television review plays an important role in news editorial as the symbolized political comments .

  26. 这个信念是美国一切政论和经济进步的基础。

    That belief is the foundation of all American progress , political as well as economic .

  27. 当时就连美国政论家都绝对想象不到

    that even critics of the American government up to that point simply hadn 't imagined .

  28. 在衣索比亚,他是当红的社经演讲者和政论者。

    He is a highly sought-after speaker and panelist on social and economic issues in ethiopia .

  29. 第三章讨论我国新时期政论文体中新词汇和新术语翻译的一般原则和方法。新词语是我国新时期政论文的重要特征,新词语的翻译也是政论文翻译的重点之所在。

    Chapter Three focuses on the translation of neologisms in the political essays in the new era .

  30. 同门、省界与现代政治价值认同&清末政论报人组织离合的政治文化分析

    Separation and Integration of Political Commentator in Newspapermen 's Organizations in Late-Qing : a Political Culture Analysis