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shǐ lùn
  • Historical theory;historical essay;theory on history;historical works
史论 [shǐ lùn]
  • [historical works;historical essay] 评论历史的著作

史论[shǐ lùn]
  1. 对中国哲学的研究,必须史论结合。

    The study on Chinese philosophy must combine history and theory .

  2. 《汉纪》史论中的历史思考

    On Thought of History in The historical comments of Han Ji

  3. 西方古典家具史论(一)古代埃及家具

    Historicism of Western Classical Furniture (ⅰ) & Furniture of Ancient Egypt

  4. 西方古典家具史论(五)拜占廷文明及其家具

    Historicism of Western Classical Furniture (ⅴ) Byzantine Civilization & Its Furniture

  5. 西方古典家具史论(六)中世纪及其仿罗马式家具(下)

    Historicism of Western Classical Furniture (ⅵ) Medieval Times and Romanesque Furniture (ⅲ)

  6. 欧美人类学电影发展史论

    The historical development of ethnographic film in Europe and America

  7. 对美术史论教学中问题意识的再研究

    A Re-research of Problem Consciousness in Art History Theory Teaching

  8. 金瓶梅形象接受史论

    On the History of Accepting about the Images of Jin Ping Mei

  9. 元杂剧批评史论&古代部分

    A Study of Yuan Zaju 's Criticism & Archaic Part

  10. 2006全球化视野中的艺术史论国际学术研讨会综述

    A survey of 2006 International Conference on Art History Theory in Globalization

  11. 西方哲学与美学关系演变史论

    The Evolution of the Relation between Western Philosophy and Aesthetics

  12. 1917年中国文学思想史论&胡适与陈独秀文学思想之比较

    1917 : A New Leaf in the History of Chinese Literary Thought

  13. 一场农战史论争所折射出的研究方法问题

    Methodological Problems Reflected in a Controversy over Peasant War History

  14. 设计艺术专业史论课程教学改革探议

    Research on Reforming Teaching of Courses on History and Theory in Design Art

  15. 中国近代小说研究史论

    A Survey of Chinese Novel Studies of Modern Times

  16. 英国外交史论要

    Reflexions on the History of the British Foreign Policy

  17. 关于雕塑专业雕塑史论的教学

    The Teaching of Sculptural History , Theory and Criticism for Sculpture Major Students

  18. 汉晋之间史论的发展及其风格

    The Development and Styles of Historical Theories in the Han and Jin Dynasty

  19. 史诗:文体意义与价值评判的互动&论胡良桂的长篇小说史论三部曲

    Epic : interaction of the style meaning and value judge in the novel

  20. 美国芝加哥艺术学院美术史论与攻讦系主任。

    Art critic and historian , School of the Art Institute of Chicago .

  21. 英国对日媾和政策形成史论

    Evolution of Britain 's peace-making policy towards Japan

  22. 文化兼容的优先领域&土家族古代学校教育史论

    A Discussion of Ancient Tujia School Educational History

  23. 西方古典家具史论(四)罗马文明及其家具(下)

    Historicism of Western Classical Furniture (ⅳ) Roman Civilization and Its Furniture ( Part ⅱ)

  24. 赵翼史论的近代价值

    The Modern Value of Zhao Yi 's Historiography

  25. 平衡与差异:五四时期中日文学交流史论

    Balance and Difference : On the History of the Exchange between Chinese and Japanese literature

  26. 近代上海城市规划史论

    On Modern Urban Planning History of Shanghai

  27. 三国-两晋-南北朝绘画史论著述。

    Works of painting history of three kingdoms , jin , southern and Northern dynasties .

  28. 美学与生活世界的理想&伊格尔顿的西方美学史论

    Aesthetics and Life World & Terry Eagleton 's Theory on the History of the Western Aesthetics

  29. 近代日本金解禁史论

    The Comment on " Abolishing the Export Ban of Gold " in Modern Times of Japan

  30. 现代性的困惑、焦虑与质疑&三维视角中的中国现代文学史论

    Modernity : Its Bewilderment , Anxiety and Suspension & Modern Chinese Literature in a Three-Dimensional Perspective