
  • 网络revolution of historical circles
  1. 史界革命的倡导。

    The advocacy of history revolution .

  2. 新时期的历史教育正处于过渡时代,而百年前梁启超倡言史界革命、关注历史哲学、推重历史教育,仍然对今天的历史教育改革具有重要的启示。

    One century ago Liang chi-chao initiated revolution in the field of history and paid attention to historical philosophy as well as had a high regard for history education .

  3. 19世纪末20世纪初进化史观传入中国后,成为猛烈批判旧史学的思想武器,中国史坛由此提出了进行史界革命、建立新史学的口号和主张。

    The theory of evolution was introduced into China early in the twentieth century . " Historiography Revolution " and " New Historiography " had been put forward by Liang Qi-chao .