
shǐ shì
  • historical events
史事 [shǐ shì]
  • [historical event] 历史上的事情

  1. 《突厥语词典》中的新疆史事《突厥语大词典》的词典学意义

    Xinjiang 's Historical Events Listed in Turkic Dictionary The Lexicographic Significance of The Turki-Chinese Dictionary

  2. 中国历史上对历史有一种三分法,即史事、史文、史义。

    In Chinese history ," history " was divided into three parts : historical events , historical scriptures and historical justice .

  3. 匈奴史事与北方森林植被

    The ancient northern forest vegetation depicted out of the historical materials concerning Xiongnu

  4. 历史记录史事的演变。

    History records the march of events .

  5. 避暑山庄初建时间及相关史事考

    A Study of the building time of the Chengde Summer Palace and its relevant historical facts

  6. 客观史事的叙述中倾注了浓厚的抒情因素,在人物身上熔铸了鲜明的爱憎感情。

    In presenting historical facts , the author infused emotional descriptions , expressing his intense love and hate .

  7. 传记作者的神圣职责在于敢于秉笔直书,以撰写一代史事为己任;

    The sacred duty of the writers was to write the truth without fear and to write the historical affairs .

  8. 方孔炤及其代表作《全边略记》是一部记述明代边疆和民族史事之著作。

    Brief Record of the Border by Fang Kongzhao is a book that records the border of Ming Dyansty and the ethnic historical events .

  9. 史家对史籍的编撰、史料的取舍、史事的文字表达等方面体现了史家的历史编撰思想。

    The compilation of historical records , historical trade-offs , the expression of historical events and so on reflects the thinking of historians historiography .

  10. 进而指出中国古代对历史有一三分法,即史事、史文、史义,认为史义即为中国的历史哲学,同时史义又包含有历史之大义与吾心之精义两部分内容。

    It also concluded that ancient China divided history into historical facts , historical text and historical justice , the latter being Chinese historical philosophy .

  11. 这段不可磨灭的光辉历程不仅留下了许多可歌可泣、气壮山河的革命史事,同时也留给后人众多无价的蕴涵革命文化内涵的历史资源。

    This indelible glorious course not only left a lot of heroic and moving deeds , but also abundant invaluable historic resources containing revolutionary culture .

  12. 幸赖新近面世的《额济纳汉简》,提供了一些新的资料信息,对该段史事的探讨颇有裨益。

    Thanks to the newly-published Ejin Bamboo Book , some new materials and information can be obtained to facilitate the study of this part of history .

  13. 第四部分从完善知识结构、加强学法指导、开发图表效果、改进习题设计以及订正史事错误五个方面来阐述新历史教科书继续完善的问题。

    Part IV set forth how to improve knowledge structure , strengthen learning means direction , develop picture 's effection , improve exercises design and emend mistaken historical facts .

  14. 哈萨克族史诗记载了哈萨克族历史上的重要人物和重大史事,存在着巨大的史料价值,也反映了哈萨克族人民的英雄史观。

    Kazakh epic Chronicles the important and significant in the history of the Kazakh epics , there is a great historical value , also reflects the Kazakh historical viewpoint of heros .

  15. 道的终极性,指明了学术研究的最终价值归属,这就要求裁断史学之所以成为史学的标准,不在于史文,也不在于史事,而在于史义。

    The ultimacy of Tao points out the value of academic study , which decide the criteria of history research is the history meaning other than history word and history event .

  16. 将记忆从名词转化为动词,意味着一个人物、一件史事或一座城市有可能从此获得新生。

    It means that a person , a historical act or a city may be given a new life if the noun Beijing in the Memory is transferred into the verb Recollecting Beijing .

  17. 顾准最初能够突破唯理主义的框架是与他反教条主义的信念和在划为右派以后视历史事实置优先于理论的观点密切相关的。

    His initial breaking through of the framework of rationalism is closely related to his anti-ritualism and the view of taking historical facts before theory , which was formed after he was taken as Rightist .

  18. 从新郑出土礼乐器论春秋史事与礼乐制度郑州地区不同秋眠级苜蓿品种的生产性能评价

    On the Historical Facts of the Spring-and-Autumn Period and the System of Rite Music in the Light of Rite-Music Instruments Unearthed in Xinzheng ; Study on the production performance of alfalfa varieties at different fall dormancy classes in Zhengzhou

  19. 诚然,这首先为裴注对史事补缺漏、备异同、正谬误、论得失在成书体例上对《三国志》的丰满。

    Indeed , this misses and prepares similarities and differences , rectifies Feng Man that falsehood , theory advantages and disadvantages direct on History of the Three Kingdoms on Cheng Shu style first in order Pei notes fills a vacancy to history thing .