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  1. 可以说,现代传播媒介为现代文学的研究提供了一个独特的视角,报纸的文学副刊保留了当时文艺创作最为原始的风貌,为现代文学的研究提供了珍贵的原始史料。

    It can be said that the modern media provide a unique perspective for the study of Modern Chinese Literature . The literature supplement of newspaper retains the most original style of literary and artistic creation , and it provides valuable primary sources for the study of Modern Chinese Literature .

  2. 但由于原始史料的匮乏,学理解释中的纷争从未停止。

    But the dispute about its explanation has never been stopped because there is only few original information left .

  3. 社会学方法必须符合以原始史料为原则而不是以当代社会的规则为原则。

    Social science methodologies had to be adapted to a discipline governed by the primacy of historical sources rather than the contemporary world .

  4. 《天城石壁记》是研究宋元万州之战最详细、最可靠的原始史料,有些记载可以补正《宋史》、《元史》之缺失,具有很高的文献价值。

    It is of great documental value , for according tocertain records of it , additions and corrections can be made to Song Shi and Yuan Shi .

  5. 长洲浸信会把这份清朝土地契约赠予图书馆,冀能与大众分享这一份见证基督教在香港发展的原始史料。

    The Church donated the document to the Library in order to share with the general public a historical record relevant to the development of Christianity in Hong Kong .

  6. 但同时,现有研究中仍然存在原始史料挖掘和利用不够、研究内容简单重复、研究方法单一的问题。

    At the same time , the existing research is still not enough to study on original data and a simple repetition on the base of a single research method .

  7. 笔者仅就馆藏流传极少的几种稀见明代志书,作些披露与研究,其原始史料价值、文献版本价值,以望对明史研究、明代方志的整理、开发与研究等有所裨益。

    The author announces his study on their values of original historical materials and document editions to benefit the study of Ming history and the publication and research of Ming local records .

  8. 本文以清末上海外汇市场为研究切入点,在搜集、整理大量原始史料基础上,试运用历史学、经济学等有关原理方法,对清末银价变动进行比较全面的研究。

    On the basis of vast original materials , this dissertation provides an overall research on the fluctuation of silver prices , following the principles of history and economics , from the foreign exchange market of Shanghai .

  9. 本文以外国教会原始史料为基本素材,对山东近代教育早期历史进行了考证,理清了外国教会在山东从开始办学到近代教育发展的历史过程。

    This paper , based on the firsthand information of foreign churches , does the textual research on the early days of Shandong modern education and makes clear that period of history from the building of missionary schools by foreign churches to the development of modern edu-cation in Shandong .

  10. 档案是历史研究不可或缺的第一手资料,中国第一历史档案馆所存二百余万件满文档案,更是研究清代历史最直接、最原始的珍贵史料。

    The files are indispensable first-hand materials , and the 2 million pieces of Manchu files preserved in the First Historic Archives of China are the most direct and primitive historical materials in research of Qing history .

  11. 本文从收集、解读原始文献和相关史料出发,较全面地分析了被认为是当代最重要、最有影响力的科学哲学家之一的南希.卡特赖特的哲学思想。

    This dissertation aims to comprehensively analyze the thoughts of Nancy Cartwright , who is one of the most important and influential philosopher of science today .