
ɡuàn tōnɡ ɡǔ jīn
  • 熟语well versed in both ancient and modern learning
  1. 诚信思想贯通古今,对人格塑造、品德的培养都产生了重大而深刻的影响。

    Honesty are embalmed the greatest thought of all ages , and has a deep effect on the formation of personality and morality .

  2. 他提倡返回中国文化的原点,参照西方现代理论,贯通古今文史,融合与创造现代学术体系。

    He advocates the return to the origin of Chinese culture , in the light of modern Western theory , linking ancient and modern literary history , integration and creation of the modern academic system .

  3. 《秘史》以编年体叙事结构,贯通古今,展现出波澜壮阔的社会生活图景,这是它的外形结构。

    The Secret History is chronological narrative structure , which linking ancient and modern , broadening the scope of narrative history books to show a magnificent picture of social life , which is its overall structure .

  4. 首先是拓展了中国史学史的研究内容,其次是贯通史学古今。

    Firstly , the research expanded the extent of Chinese history study . Secondly , it had a through from ancient to modern .

  5. 两汉学术与思想以求“贯通”为特点,主体“心”在东汉儒学贯通天人与古今中的诠释地位突显了出来。

    Perforation was the main characteristic of learning and thought in Eastern Han dynasty , so the function and magnificence of " heart " was opened out in the text interpretation .