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biān zuǎn
  • compile;compilation;codify;edit
编纂 [biān zuǎn]
  • [compile] 编辑,撰述

  • 编纂词典

  • 十年,始有事略之编纂。--孙文《黄化冈七十二烈士事略.序》

编纂[biān zuǎn]
  1. 编纂一本词典要花费时日和耐心。

    To compile a dictionary costs much time and patience .

  2. v.编纂编一本百科全书,不仅要花一段长时间,还要有许多专家一起工作才行。

    compile It takes a long time as well as many experts working together to compile an encyclopedia .

  3. 这部传记把爱因斯坦一生的各个方面编纂成书。

    The biography weaves together the various strands of Einstein 's life .

  4. 他从事这本词典的编纂工作已达10年之久。

    He has been engaged 10 years on the dictionary .

  5. 为什么你不继续编纂你的词典呢?功亏一篑,你不觉得可惜吗?

    Why do you discontinue compiling your dictionary ? Don 't you think it a pity to give it up when it is nearly completed ?

  6. 编者编纂这本书的目的在于帮助学英语的中国学生解决阅读时可能遇到的许多困难。

    The editor compiles this book with the intent of helping Chinese students of English overcome many difficulties which they may come across in reading .

  7. 有些辞典的编纂者用引文作例证以解释词义

    Some dictionary writers use citations to show what words mean .

  8. 词典编纂者的工作就是对语言加以描述。

    A lexicographer 's job is to describe the language .

  9. 字典编纂者知道英语词汇在不断变化。

    The lexicographer knew that the English lexis was changing .

  10. 新政府应允要编纂法典。

    The new government promised to codify the laws .

  11. 从那时以来,国会编纂整理了最高法院的这一裁定

    Congress has since codified this holding .

  12. 浅谈API技术数据手册与我国石油物性数据的研究与编纂

    On API technical data book and the research and compilation of petroleum physical property data in China

  13. 论ESP百科词典的编纂

    On the compiling of an ESP encyclopedic dictionary

  14. 对词典编纂者来说,如何平衡句法信息的准确性和可达性(accessibility),是一项富有挑战性的任务。

    It is a challenging task for the dictionary makers to strike a balance between accuracy and accessibility of syntactic information .

  15. 韦伯斯特在自己编纂的词典中将honour改成honor,将centre改成center,但他后来逐渐承认,这两种语言本质上仍将保持一致。

    In his dictionary , he changed honour to honor and centre to center , but he came to accept that the two languages would remain essentially the same .

  16. Lexicography(字典学):编纂字典的活动。

    Lexicography : the practice of compiling dictionaries .

  17. 除了有机会来TED演讲以外,就是可以说很有趣的单词,例如,lexicographical,字典编纂学。

    besides getting to come to TED -- is that you get to say really fun words , like lexicographical .

  18. 本课题结合《HSK量词学习词典》编纂工作,探讨语料库技术的应用。

    This paper mainly discusses how corpus is utilized in dealing with problems in making A Dictionary of Measure Words in HSK .

  19. 从1980年起,加拿大菲莎研究所(FraserInstitute)开始编纂一个名为经济自由度(EconomicFreedom)的指数。这个指数是衡量一国法律体系和所有权状况的一个要素。

    Canada 's Fraser Institute has been compiling an ' Economic Freedom ' index since 1980 , one component of which is a measure of the quality of a country 's legal system and property rights .

  20. 欧洲央行(ECB)昨日主张,可以编纂一个对冲基金活动的国际注册簿,来应对这个发展迅速的行业所引发的全球金融危机风险。

    The risk of a global financial crisis triggered by hedge funds could be tackled by compiling an international register of activity in the fast-growing industry , the European Central Bank argued yesterday .

  21. 《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)杂志资深语言专栏作家沃拉夫(BarbaraWallraff)说,你和我现在都可以成为自己的字典编纂者了。

    ' You and I can be our own lexicographers now , 'says Barbara Wallraff , the longtime language columnist for The Atlantic magazine .

  22. 周三早间,路透社(Reuters)编纂的数据和中国国家统计局(NationalBureauofStatistics)的信息均显示,11月新房价格比一年前高出9.9%,而10月份的同比增幅为9.6%。

    New homes cost 9.9 per cent more in November then they did a year earlier . This followed a 9.6 per cent annual gain in October , data compiled by Reuters and taken from China 's National Bureau of Statistics showed early on Wednesday .

  23. 在本指南编纂完成的时候,USP24(和增刊)是现行版本。

    USP24 ( and supplements ) is the current version , at the time this Guide was prepared .

  24. 利用英语语言学研究的成果,结合语料库中常见的词性标注方法,对运用于双语词典编纂的CONULEXID语料库系统中的语料词性标注问题进行了初步的探讨。

    This paper attempts to propose a rule based part of speech tagging scheme to annotate CONULEXID , which is a computerized bilingual corpus utilized in the bilingual lexicography .

  25. 专业研究机构Z-BenAdvisors编纂的数据显示,去年12月底,24家中外合资公司管理的资产,约占内地共同基金资产总额的40%,高于去年初的25%。

    Figures compiled by Z-Ben Advisors , a specialist research firm , show that the 24 Sino - foreign joint ventures accounted for almost 40 per cent of total domestic mutual fund assets at the end of December , up from a quarter at the start of last year .

  26. 论学习型英汉词典的编纂原则

    On the Compiling Principles of Learners ' English - Chinese Dictionaries

  27. 试论中国传统文化与古代档案编纂的关系

    The Relationship Between Chinese Traditional Culture and Antiquity Editorship of Archives

  28. 本文从历史编纂学及史学思想两个方面对此加以论述。

    The article expounds its accomplishments of historiography and history thinking .

  29. 第三部分通过对历史上古文字形体类工具书类型的归纳,指出这部书首创了综合诂林型的编纂形式。

    The third part is about the book 's compile style .

  30. 汉字部首编纂法源流论正

    A Textual Research of the Chinese Characters Radical Compiling Method History