
biān nián tǐ
  • Chronicle;annalistic style;in chronological order;in the style of annals
编年体 [biān nián tǐ]
  • [in the style of annals;in chronological order] 一种按时间顺序编排史实的史书体裁

编年体[biān nián tǐ]
  1. 章节应该按照编年体的顺序来安排,并且应该清楚明了的。

    Chapters are read in chronological order and make sense 。

  2. 编年体史籍的时间结构

    The time structure of historical records in chronological style

  3. 《资治通鉴》:编年体史书历史叙事发展的高峰

    The Zizhitongjian : The Pinnacle of Development of Historical Narration in Chronological History Writing

  4. 《左传》是我国现存第一部比较成熟的编年体史书。

    " Zuozhuan " is the first relatively mature chronicle in which exist now in China .

  5. 在现代社会,这种编年体体例仍是必要的。

    As an important form of history work , the chronological form is still necessary even in modern society .

  6. 在编年体的模式之下,传记性、游记性以及戏剧性的次情节类型也都存在着。

    Besides chronological pattern , biography type , travel notes and dramatic nature of the sub-plot types also exist .

  7. 这本书成为中国历史上第一部编年体通史,是中国古代珍贵的文化遗产。

    This book became the model for later chronicle history books , and is a precious cultural inheritance of ancient China .

  8. 《春秋》也叫做《春秋经》,是我国最早的一部编年体历史著作,以鲁国的历史为主。

    The Spring and Autumn Annals is the earliest annalistic work , which is mainly about the history of the state of Lu .

  9. 这部纪传体的晋史之所以误作编年体的史书,也是有因可寻的。

    As for why the biographical history book History of the Jin Dynasty was mistaken for a chronicle , there was certain traceable cause .

  10. 再次,对纪传体史书各个组成部分的评价以及编年体与纪传体作为正史的优劣问题。

    Third , the book includes the biographical history books on the various components of the evaluation and chronological and biographical questions as the merits of official history .

  11. 黄式三《周季编略》是一部编年体史著,为研究战国史基本史料之一。

    Huang Shisan 's A Brief Compilation of Zhou Ji is a chronological historical book and one of major books to study the history of the Warring States .

  12. 苏冕与《会要》&为会要体史书创立1200周年而作佛教史学著作数量丰富,各体兼备,并创造出纪传体、编年体教史和藏经解题目录等新体例。

    Historiography works of Buddhism were in large quantity , various styles . The Buddhism history of annalistic style , biographical style and the Tripitaka catalogues with explanations were created .

  13. 编撰了我国第一部编年体史书《春秋》。孔子的言行思想主要载于语录体散文集《论语》。

    He was the author of the Spring and Autumn Annals , the first historical annals in China , and his teachings and wisdoms may be found in the Analects of Confucius .

  14. 《秘史》以编年体叙事结构,贯通古今,展现出波澜壮阔的社会生活图景,这是它的外形结构。

    The Secret History is chronological narrative structure , which linking ancient and modern , broadening the scope of narrative history books to show a magnificent picture of social life , which is its overall structure .

  15. 编年体时间框架的建构,是以自然时间作为轴心,主要包括著作的主体时间的定位与内容编排中时间链的组合两个方面。

    Time framework of chronological style , with natural time as its axle center , consists of the orientation of subjective time and the combination of time chain in the arrangement of main content of the historical records .

  16. 《左传》是我国第一部编年体史书,其中蕴含着丰富的先秦历史资料,是研究先秦史,尤其是春秋历史的重要文献典籍。

    Zuo Zhuan is the first chronicle historical record in our country in which there are many historical records of pre-Qin . These are the important ancient books and records which are used to study pre-Qin history especially to study the Spring and Autumn period history .

  17. 这一时期,不仅《汉书》为代表的正史成就突出,编年体史书、史钞、史评、起居注、杂传等多种题材和形式的史学著作也都受到重视,发展迅速。

    During this period , not only " Hanshu " as the representative of the official achievements , chronological history , history notes , historical criticism , a variety of Qijuzhu , miscellaneous biographies , theme and form of historical works are valued , the rapid development of .