
  • 网络coding system;encoding system;facs
  1. 计算机辅助物料编码系统在MIS系统中的应用

    Assisted examination Application of the Computer Aided Material Coding System in MIS

  2. 在FPGA上通过IP复用的方式进行嵌入式视频编码系统的设计已成为是一种重要的设计方式。

    The design of embedded video coding system on FPGA by reusing of IP has become an important way .

  3. 空时分组码和BLAST系统是两种利用多发多收传输的典型的空时编码系统。

    Space-time block code and BLAST are two typical systems utilizing MIMO .

  4. 基于INS/GPS数据的机载SAR图像地理编码系统研究

    Studies on geocoding system for Airborne SAR image based on ins / gps data

  5. 基于DSP与CPLD的图像压缩编码系统设计

    Image Codec System Design Based on DSP and CPLD

  6. 基于DSP平台的AVS实时编码系统设计

    Design of AVS Real-time Encoder System Based on DSP

  7. 图像编码系统VLSI实现的模拟平台设计

    Design of Simulation Bench with Image Coding System VLSI Implementation

  8. 信道矢量的量化误差对多用户MIMO预编码系统的性能影响较大。

    The quantization error of channel vector greatly influences the system capacity in MU-MIMO precoding .

  9. 自适应调制与编码系统及其在WCDMA中的应用

    Adaptive Modulation and Coding System and its Application in WCDMA

  10. PDM下机械产品分类编码系统的研究与开发

    The research and development of the classifying and coding system of mechanical product in PDM

  11. 背景噪声限下直接检测光PPM编码系统的性能研究

    A Study fo Coding for Background-limited Direct-detection Optical PPM Systems

  12. HDTV视频编码系统的同步信息设计及实现

    Design and implementation of synchronization information in HDTV video encoding system

  13. PDM系统中多品种小批量产品及零部件编码系统设计与实现

    Design and realization of encoding system for low-volume but more-varieties products and parts in PDM system

  14. 本文简要地论述了CDCAC&1计算机辅助编码系统的研制工作。系统采用微型计算机(IBM·PC/XT),屏幕显示及打印输出皆使用汉字。

    This paper states briefly a developed software system , CD-CAC-1 which is consistent with the microcomputer ( IBM-PC / XT ) .

  15. DVB-S信道编码系统的DSP实现

    The DSP solution of DVB-S channel coding system

  16. AWGN和Rayleigh信道下的自适应多级编码系统设计

    Robust multilevel codes for AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels

  17. 最后详细地阐述了JSP网络中文件编码系统的解决方案和实现方法。

    In the end , the answer and way to file encoding system of JSP Internet is formulated .

  18. 基于ATL的ASP组件开发及其在SXD编码系统中的应用

    ATL-based ASP component and its application in SXD coding system

  19. NATO图象序列处理和动态景物分析高级科学报告会介绍成组技术在石油机械制造业中的应用研究石油钻采设备零件分类编码系统SYBM1介绍


  20. 计算机辅助编码系统可动态定义和管理不同企业和企业内部不同信息的编码体系,实现了CIMS环境下信息的交流和共享。

    Computer Aided-code ( CAC ) system defines and administers information code architecture in enterprises , it achieves information exchange and share in CIMS environment .

  21. 为了克服EM迭代算法收敛性较差的缺点,提出一种基于改进EM算法的Turbo编码系统迭代相位同步算法。

    In order to improve the bad convergence of the EM algorithm , an iterative phase synchronization algorithm based on modified EM algorithm for turbo coded systems is proposed in this paper .

  22. Hall/VandeCastle的梦内容编码系统为梦的内容分析提供了有效、可靠的工具,得到了国外广大研究者的青睐,并得出了有意义的研究结果。

    Hall / Van de Castle coding system provides us with an objective and quantitative tool to do dream content research . This system has been extensively applied abroad and has gained meaningful conclusions .

  23. EPC系统是指在全球统一的编码系统基础之上,利用互联网和射频识别技术形成的广义的技术体系。

    The EPC system is a technology system which bases on the global uniform coding system . It uses network and RFID technology to identify , track and locate product .

  24. JPEG图像编码系统当比特率较低时,常会产生方块效应,即重建图像的子块边缘不连续。

    At low bit rate , a JPEG image coding system frequently produces block artifact It means that the edges of the sub blocks of the reconstructed image are not continuous .

  25. 基于AMBE-2020的可编程语音压缩编码系统

    A Programmable Speech Compression Coding System Based on AMBE-2020

  26. 对基于KBE楔横轧模具设计的知识获取、编码系统、事例推理、重用和改写等关键技术进行重点阐述。

    This paper discusses key technology on the KBE-based cross wedge rolling mould design , including knowledge acquisition , coding system , case reasoning , case availability and case modification .

  27. BS.1387声学模型在音频编码系统中的应用

    Application of Acoustic Model Based on BS.1387 in Audio Coder

  28. 第四章讨论了视频采集编码系统的硬件及其接口驱动程序的设计,由Blackfin处理器,视频输入接口,码流输出接口,外部存储器等组成。

    Chapter 4 discusses the design of video encoder hardware and the interface driver , including Blackfin processor , video input interface , stream output interface and the memory architecture .

  29. 运用Hall/VandeCastle梦的内容编码系统对这些梦进行编码分析,对比了中国大学生与美国大学生常模的差异,从中发现了文化差异对梦内容的影响。

    She analyzed these dream reports by the Hall / Van de Castle coding system , and contrasted the dream contents of Chinese students with the existing American findings . She discovered that Chinese students report more familiar characters , yet less aggressive and sexual contents in their dreams .

  30. 构架了针对西飞公司的信息编码系统(XAC-MICS)的软件结构模型并实现了系统的部分功能。

    The software structure model of the information coding system ( XAC-MICS ) is Designed and the thesis realizes parts system functions .