
  • 网络reader positioning
  1. 它的读者定位是全体PC游戏玩家。

    Its targeted readers are PC game players .

  2. 论网络时代高校科技期刊的读者定位

    Reader orientation of sci-tech periodicals in universities in the internet age

  3. 期刊的读者定位

    The Methods to Determine Targeted Reader Groups of a Journal

  4. 期刊的读者定位,即期刊的主要服务对象。

    The reader location of the periodicals refers to their target readers .

  5. 图书馆采访工作中读者定位研究

    The " reader " positioning in Library acquisition of book titles in research

  6. 最后,本文从新闻策划的角度,以新闻价值定位、办刊宗旨、内容和读者定位为切入点分析了《知音》的叙事策略。

    Finally , the thesis analyzes the narrative tactics from the view of news-scheming .

  7. 所以说本书的读者定位并不是中国人?

    So your readers are not Chinese ?

  8. 其定位包括读者定位、广告定位、发行定位三个基本层面;

    Its orientation includes three basic levels including orientations of readers , ads , and distributions .

  9. 编辑定位要依据读者定位开展有针对性的选题策划、编辑加工和整体设计。

    The positioning of editing requires proposed topic selection , article editing and publishing designing around readers .

  10. 期刊读者定位要充分考虑到读者的自然属性、社会属性和心理属性。

    The reader-positioning is based on the natural quality , social attribute and mental status of readers .

  11. 这是传统文化、读者定位、杂志办刊理念和风格等要素综合影响的结果。

    It is the comprehensive result of the traditional culture , the readership orientation and the editorial policies of the journals .

  12. 青年期刊要避免同质化倾向,则应做到有准确的读者定位,新颖的办刊理念,个性化的版式设计以及独特的专题策划。

    To avoid tendency of resemblism , journal for journal should have accurate readers'location , novel ideas of doing journals , original layout and unique plot of special topic .

  13. 定位是期刊品牌建设最基础的环节,包含读者定位、编辑定位、管理定位等。

    As the most fundamental aspect of the brand construction of a journal , positioning the orientation of the journal covers the respects of readers , editing and managing .

  14. 读者定位:接受过良好教育,有一定的工作社会阅历,收入丰厚,年龄在28-45岁之间,关心社会进步的公务员、经理人、管理人士、研究员、教授等。

    Target Reader Description : Well-educated , High Salary , Aged at28-45 , Business men , Managers , People in administration , Researchers and Professors concern about the society development .

  15. 在此基础上,提出党报要保持主流地位必须在读者定位、内容定位、功能定位、及风格定位上明确方向。

    On the base of this , it puts forward orientation of readers , content , function and style of the party newspaper which wants to keep the position of mainstream media .

  16. 文化综合类期刊读者定位的因素可以分为五个方面,即区域、性别、职业和身份、年龄及文化水平。

    This article discusses the five factors of the reader location of the cultural synthetical periodicals . That is , the rigion , the gender , the career and status , the age and the educational level .

  17. 期刊读者定位包括编辑主体对目标读者的预期分析与确定、期刊编采经营活动对读者定位的贯彻实施及目标读者对期刊定位的反馈。

    The methods to determine targeted reader groups of a journal include the expected analysis and determination to targeted reader groups , the movement about editorial work and management , the targeted reader 's feedback to the determination of a journal .

  18. 通过对这十一种报刊内容、读者定位及版面形式的现况调查,了解不同报刊版面元素的使用状况。

    First of all , investigate through the present situation of content , readers ' localization and form of the layout to these eleven kinds of newspapers and periodicals , we can understand the state of using of different newspapers and periodicals layout elements .

  19. 地方高校学报,在办刊过程中,必须以明确的读者定位、鲜明的个性特色、开放的办刊理念、积极主动的组稿约稿,才能获得优质稿源,这样才能找到自己生存发展的空间。

    The successful development of college journals must rely on obtaining high-quality contributions by having clear reader orientation , unique characteristics , open conceptions , active requests for research papers and stable contributions , so as to find their own room for survival and development .

  20. 尽管评论界对此褒贬不一,但笔者认为,杨红樱现象给发展较为滞后的童年文学的写作与出版提供了有益的启示,并从文本、读者定位、市场运作等方面进行了探讨。

    Despite different attitudes of the critic circle , the author believes that such a phenomenon offers us some helpful inspiration for solving the lag development situation of juvenile literature writing and publishing , while probes into questions about text , orientation of readers and marketing operation .

  21. 应在准确的读者定位的前提下,在内容选择、栏目设置、包装设计、出版时间、售后服务等方面强化读者意识,以达到全面满足读者需求的目的。

    To fulfill readers ' needs , the author puts forward that , based on the correct determination of readership , the reader-oriented sense can be realized from the following aspects : article selection , column arrangement , packing design , publishing time , after-sale service and so on .

  22. 第三部分作为文章主体部分,是研究新兴财经报纸针对目标读者的定位,包括读者定位及其围绕这个核心展开的具体定位策略;

    The third part researches on the position of new finance - and - economics newspaper and the strategies based on it ;

  23. 图书馆与读者法律关系定位的再定位&对民事法律关系论的质疑

    Legal Relationship Between Library and Reader Reposition-Question on " Civil Law Relation "

  24. 图书馆自办读者报刊的宗旨定位和栏目设置探索

    Researches on allocating and column setting of reader serials

  25. 浅谈新形势下少儿图书馆读者服务工作的定位

    Analysis on the Positioning of the Service for Readers of Children 's Library under the New Situation