
  • 网络Survey;Poll;readership survey
  1. 医院图书馆数字资源需求与服务的读者调查及分析

    Survey on Readers'Needs for Digital Resources and Service of Hospital Libraries

  2. 读者调查、分析与图书馆馆藏建设

    User Survey , Analysis and Collection Development of Our Library

  3. 网络环境下,图书馆读者调查方法有了新的变化,主要方式有:网站问卷调查、基于视频会议系统的读者调查、基于数据库检索技术的读者调查和基于Web挖掘技术的读者调查。

    In the networked environment , there are new patterns of library reader surveys , including website questionnaire , survey based on video conferencing system , survey based on database search technologies , and survey based on Web mining technologies .

  4. 恰恰相反,据《消费者报告》的调查结果显示,麦当劳在评比中垫了底。上周三,这个产品检测组织公布了读者调查的结果,麦当劳(McDonald’s)的汉堡在调查中被评为美国最差汉堡之首。

    In fact , it 's just the opposite , according to a Consumer Reports survey . McDonald 's burgers as the worst in the U.S. , according to results of a reader poll released Wednesday by the product testing organization .

  5. 建立健全图书馆的读者调查与反馈机制

    Establishment of reader investigation feedback system in libraries and its perfection

  6. 《中国微侵袭神经外科杂志》读者调查分析

    Investigation into readers of Chinese Journal of Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery

  7. 高校图书馆采访工作中网络读者调查方式探讨

    On Network Reader Survey Methods of Acquisitioning in University Libraries

  8. 高校图书馆参考书阅览室读者调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Reader in Reference Reading Room in University Libraries

  9. 从读者调查看少儿图书馆文献信息服务

    Survey on Document Information Service in the Children Library

  10. 读者调查信息管理与处理机制的建立

    Establishment of information management mechanism of readers ' survey

  11. 图书馆资源评估读者调查系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Library Resources Evaluation Survey System

  12. 某民办医学高职院校图书馆读者调查分析

    Survey Analysis of Library Readers in Private Medical College

  13. 网络环境下,图书馆采访工作读者调查方式有了新变化。

    Under the networking environment , the library reader survey methods are changing .

  14. 高州市图书馆读者调查报告

    On Investigation Report of Readers In Gaozhou Library

  15. 文章在对读者调查分析中概括了少儿读者的阅读特征。

    Based on the survey this paper expounds some features of children & readers .

  16. 那份杂志最近搞了一次读者调查。

    The magazine conducted a reader survey recently .

  17. 运城学院图书馆读者调查分析报告

    Yuncheng University Library Readers Survey Analysis Report

  18. 中文图书采访中的读者调查

    Poll in Readers for Chinese Book Subscription

  19. 一种新的读者调查方式

    A New Method of Reader Surveying

  20. 读者调查对评估图书馆的服务质量,提高服务水平很重要。

    User investigation is important in the evaluation of service quality and improvement of service level .

  21. 以嘉兴学院图书馆为例,阐述了在当前形式下中文图书采访中读者调查的具体做法和体会。

    The article expounds the practice of polling readers for Chinese-books subscription in the Library of Jiaxing College .

  22. 读者调查研究方法的实证分析&广州城市职业学院图书馆读者调查案例研究

    Empirical Analysis on Methods of Reader Survey & Case Studies of Reader Survey in Guangzhou City Polytechnic Library

  23. 着重论述了网络环境下利用调查引擎进行读者调查的方法。

    In this paper , the paper has introduced methods of investigation engines under network environment in undertaking reader investigation .

  24. 从社会学、心理学角度设计图书馆读者调查问卷

    Analysis of the Blind Spot of the Reader Survey & From the Sociology , psychology viewpoints to discuss the library survey

  25. 医院图书馆电子资源利用和服务的现状&基于宣武医院图书馆读者调查实证研究

    Status of the usage and serves of e-resources in hospital library & Study on the survey of XuanWu Hospital Library 's readers

  26. 第四部分阐述了笔者所做的读者调查的方式和结果分析。

    In the fourth part , the author introduces the way by which he carried out a reader investigation and the result of analysis .

  27. 多校区图书馆服务工作存在的问题和对策&基于广东技术师范学院读者调查分析

    The Problems Existing in Services and Countermeasures of Multi-Campuses University Library & Based on the Analysis of Readers Investigation in Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University Library

  28. 本文着重介绍了一些主要的读者调查方式方法,并提出了图书馆采访工作中网络读者调查应注意的几个问题。

    This paper introduced some main methods of readers survey , and put forward several questions that should be paid attention to in the network readers survey .

  29. 开展网络读者调查是高校图书馆采访工作的一个崭新内容,具有一些传统读者调查方法所没有的特点和优势。

    It is a brand-new content for acquisitioning of university library to launch network readers survey , which have some characteristics and advantages that the traditional readers survey have not .

  30. 本文从视觉心理的角度出发,提出了时尚杂志的封面营销,结合读者调查与实际情况论证封面营销的依据,并分别对封面人物、导读、标识、色彩、装帧进行了其营销力的论述。

    Combined readership survey and the situation of fashion magazine sale , the paper analyze the basis of cover marketing , and discuss the marketing power of the figure on the cover , introduction , logo , color and binding respectively .