
  1. 我们为什么定要读论语?

    Why do we need to read the bible ?

  2. 略谈儒家的“和”及其对构建和谐社会的启示&读《论语》的几点感想

    A Brief Talk on Confucian " Neutrality " and Its Revelation to the Construction of Harmonious Society & Impressions of Lun Yu

  3. 读孔子的《论语》或者莎士比亚的著作不是为了通过考试或者任何实际用途,而是为了从人文财富中吸收营养,使自己变得更好。

    One reads classics such as Confucius ' Analects or Shakespeare not to pass examinations or provide grist for the water-cooler mill , but to absorb nutrients from the wealth shared by humanity and to make ourselves better people .

  4. 还没必要。读孔子的《论语》或者莎士比亚的著作不是为了通过考试或者任何实际用途,而是为了从人文财富中吸收营养,使自己变得更好。然而,把现代人与先人对比是不公平的。

    Not yet.One reads classics such as Confucius ' Analects or Shakespeare not to pass examinations or provide grist for the water-cooler mill , but to absorb nutrients from the wealth shared by humanity and to make ourselves better people.However , it would be unfair to compare the current generation with their ancestors .