- 网络Reader-response criticism;reader response criticism;Reader—Response Criticism

Main sub-themes are structural criticism , narrative criticism , reader-response criticism , post-colonial criticism , feminist criticism , deconstructive criticism and other ways .
The American Reader-response Criticism , whose gist is to stimulate the creation and actualization of the literature text on the part of the readers by their reading experience , turns a new page to reflecting readers ' experience in literature appreciation .
Reader-Response Criticism : A New Perspective on Literary Criticism
Application of Reader-response Criticism in the Teaching of Drama
Literary Criticism and the New Approach to the Methodology of Teaching British and American Literature
This dissertation aims at examining the role of the reader in the translation of literary texts .
Reader-response Criticism , also called Reception Aesthetics , Reception Theory , Reception and Responses Literary Theory .
Firstly , it is pointed out that Reader-Response Criticism can be effectively applied in understanding Faulkner 's works .
Wolfgang Iser , a scholar of aesthetic response , presents a concept of " the implied reader " after studying the other models carefully .
This paper attempts to apply the reader - response criticism to illustrate that readers are to recreate and reconstruct the text when they read the novels of modernism from the above four - mentioned characteristics .
Then the Criticism , especially the approach proposed by Wolfgang Iser , is employed to analyze in detail the most disputable " indeterminacy " and " gaps " in the text of Light in August , as a typical example .
Their interests in reading become less and less . Because of such a realistic background , it is particularly important for the author to put forward the thoughts of reader-response criticism theory and study the operation nature of practice in Chinese reading instruction .
Reader-response criticism notes the readers ' understanding course to the text , respects the students combine one 's own experience to the effective understanding of the texts . Thus excite the students ' interest of reading , embody the educational theory of happiness in reading instruction .
Chapter Three explores the criterion based on the reader response .
This system includes , ( 1 ) a criterion based on the reader 's response which pursues a ' dynamic interactive equivalence ' .
, this paper surveys Stanley Fish 's reader-response literary theory in terms of reading , meaning and criticism and conducts a brief comment on it in its comparison with the structuralist and poststructuralist literary theories and criticisms .
Freud 's theories were inherited by other members of the psychoanalytical school such as Lacan and Holland , who separately set up the structural psychoanalytical criticism and readers-response psychoanalytical criticism .
As a result , the traditional translation criteria come into existence . As is reflected in translation criticism , there are mainly three criticism models : the author-centered traditional model , the text-centered equivalence model and the reader-centered reader-response model .
From the View of the modern esthetic criticism , aesthetic existence situation of the present would be entirely different . In short , the Readers-center of Reader-response Criticism and Reception Aesthetics had a profound impact on the contemporary Western Aesthetics .