
  • 网络Literary Repository
  1. 宋词是中国古典文学宝库中的珍宝。

    Ci poetry is a precious treasure in classical Chinese literature .

  2. 唐诗是世界文学宝库中的一颗灿烂明珠。

    Tang Poem is a brilliant pearl in the world literature treasury .

  3. 作为世界文学宝库中的一部名著,这本书的成功很大程度上得益于自然主义的表现。

    As a famous novel in world literature , naturalism contributes a lot to its success .

  4. 从文学宝库获取创新的动能&浅谈文学审美对科学创新思维的促进作用

    Innovative Dynamism in the Literary Treasury

  5. 《德伯家的苔丝》是托马斯·哈代的一部伟大的悲剧小说,是世界文学宝库中的一颗璀璨明珠,一百多年来一直受到了广大读者的喜爱。

    Tess of the d ' Urbervilles which is a great tragedy of Thomas Hardy is always loved by the worldwide readers .

  6. 她才华横溢,情感细腻,目光敏锐,文笔犀利,给世界文学宝库留了一笔财富。

    She is full of wit , delicate emotions , sharp eyes , sharp writing , leave a fortune to the world literature .

  7. 以唐诗宋词为代表的古诗词作品是我国文学宝库中的珍品。

    The ancient Chinese poetry represented by Tang poems and Song ci is a literary treasure of China and the whole of mankind .

  8. 19世纪初英国浪漫主义诗人约翰·济慈是浪漫主义运动的典型代表,其诸多诗篇堪称为英国诗歌史上乃至世界文学宝库中的精品。

    John Keats , a British Romantic poet of the 19th century , was one of the most outstanding representatives of the Romantic Movement .

  9. 《红楼梦》是中国古典长篇小说中最优秀的作品,是悠久、灿烂的中华文化的杰出代表,是世界文学宝库中的珍品,也是我们伟大民族的骄傲。

    Hong Lou Meng , as a representative of the splendid Chinese culture , is one of the most outstanding works in Chinese classic literature .

  10. 宋词是中国古典文化中的精髓和中华民族悠久历史的积淀,亦是世界文学宝库中的一颗璀璨明珠。

    Ci-poetry is not only the essence of ancient Chinese culture and the wonderful accumulation during the long Chinese history , but also a sparkling pearl in world literary history .

  11. 作为一名解放后在党的关怀下成长的著名蒙古族作家,他通过自身的刻苦努力,为多民族共同建造的新文学宝库贡献了自己的一份力量。

    As one of most famous Mongolian writers grew under the care of the party , he has contributed to the construction of new multi-ethnic literature through his own hard work .

  12. 陕北民歌是中华民族民歌艺术的一支奇葩,是中华民族黄土地文化的地上的精神文物,更是我国民间文学宝库中的一颗璀璨的明珠。

    Folk Songs is a wonderful Chinese folk art is the culture of the Chinese Yellow Earth , " the spirit of earth relics ," is our folk literature for a bright pearl .

  13. 正如荷马史诗在西方的地位一样,《三国演义》对中国文化也具有重要的意义。长期以来,这部明朝杰作的影响范围一直很大,早已成为世界文学宝库的一朵奇葩。

    As important for Chinese culture as the Homeric epics have been for the West , this masterpiece of Ming Dynasty continues to be widely influential and remains a great work of world literature .

  14. 狄金森的诗歌是美国文学宝库中重要组成部分,她的作品对现代派诗歌有重大影响,被誉为美国现代主义诗歌的先驱。

    All these features make her poetry a great treasure in American literature . Dickinson 's works have had considerable influence on modernistic poetry , and she is regarded as a precursor of American modernistic poetry .

  15. 林昌彝作为中国近代早期著名的诗论家,一生为后人留下了近900首诗歌,是中国近代文学宝库中一笔宝贵的财富。

    Lin Changyi was a famous poetry theorist in the early stage of Chinese modern times , who , writing nearly 900 poems in his life , made a great contribution to the literary treasure-house of his time .

  16. 唐代是我国诗歌发展的鼎盛时期,唐诗是我国优秀的文化遗产之一,更是世界文学宝库中一颗璀璨的明珠。

    The Tang Dynasty witnessed the prime of poetry development in Chinese literary history . The Tang poetry is not only one of our precious cultural heritages , but also a bright pearl in the world treasure house of literature .

  17. 老舍以其鲜明的创作个性和独特的艺术风格,尤其是他的幽默艺术,丰富了中国文学的宝库。

    With the clear cut creative individuality and quite special characteristics of art , especially his humorous art , Lao She has enriched the treasury of Chinese literature .

  18. 清新自然的神秘与清朴自然的神秘这些作品充分展示了他的游观视野和审美视野下的山水之美,艺术性强,极大地丰富了中国古代山水文学的宝库。

    These works reveal the beauty of landscapes in his view of traveling and aesthetic standards , and they have great artistic value , which greatly enrich the treasure of China 's ancient landscape literature works .

  19. 《史记》亦是中国文学语言的宝库,它把叙事语言和人物语言融为一体,以畅达、自然著称于世,对中国文学语言产生了极其深远的影响。

    Records of the History is the treasure-house of Chinese literary too , it is wellknown that it 's concise fluent and natural and there is important effect .

  20. 佛经是东方文学的一座宝库,它对东方文化乃至文学产生了深刻而巨大的影响,朝鲜众多的民间故事以及小说的产生和发展与佛经有关联。

    The Buddhism Scripture , a treasure in the Oriental countries , has asserted tremendous influence upon the oriental culture and literature .

  21. 唐诗不但是我国优秀的文学遗产之一,也是全世界文学宝库中一颗璀璨的明珠。

    Tang poems are not only one of the splendid literary heritages in China , but it is also a bright pearl of the literary treasure in the world .

  22. 其小说、诗歌和文学批评理论都已成为全世界珍贵的文学宝库中不可缺少的一个组成部分。

    His short stories , poems and literature criticism theories have become valuable treasures of the whole world .

  23. 古典诗词是中国文学的最重大的成就之一,也是世界文学宝库里一颗璀璨的明珠。

    Classical Chinese poetry is the most brilliant achievement of Chinese literature and also an irreplaceable literary heritage not only to Chinese people but also to the world .

  24. 唐诗是我国古典文学中极其珍贵的文化遗产,亦是世界文学宝库中光彩夺目的瑰宝。

    Tang poetry is not only the very precious cultural heritage in the ancient Chinese literature but also a dazzlingly brilliant treasure in the world literature as well .

  25. 中国古诗是中国文学中一颗非常珍贵的瑰宝,也是中国文学对世界文学宝库的巨大贡献。

    The classical Chinese poetry is a valuable treasure in Chinese literature , as well as a great contribution to the world literature .

  26. 中国现代文学三十年间,涌现出为数不少的历史小说,丰富了中国现代文学宝库。

    During the thirty years of modern Chinese literature , there have emerged numerous historic novels , which contributed to the treasure house of modern literature .

  27. 古典文学名著《红楼梦》是中国文学史上难得一见的奇书,也是世界文学宝库中的稀世瑰宝。

    The famous classical literature Dream of the red chamber is one of the most distinguished novels in the history of Chinese literature .

  28. 茨威格的传记文学作品表现出来的人学价值和艺术魅力,跟他的小说一样,都是世界文学宝库中不可或缺的艺术瑰宝。

    The humanistic value and artistic charm of Zweig 's biographical literature , just like his novels , are all great treasures of the world 's literature .

  29. 以希腊罗马神话为原型的英国文学作品不仅极大地加深了英国文学的寓意和内涵,而且丰富了英国文学作品的宝库。

    Literary works based on Greco-Roman mythology have not only added meaning and connotation to the profound British literature , but also enriched the repository of English literary works .