
wén xué pī pínɡ
  • literary criticism
  1. 她的文学批评集中关注的是伟大的文学作品表达思想的方式。

    Her literary criticism focuses on the way great literature suggests ideas

  2. 苏珊·S.兰瑟是女性主义叙事学的创始人,她把结构主义叙事学和女性主义文学批评进行了有效的对接,创立了女性主义叙事学。

    Lanser , Susan . S is the founder of feminist narrative . She docks structural narratology and feminist literary criticism validly and creats the feminist narratology .

  3. 文学批评殊途的无限魅力

    On the Boundless Charm of the Different Routes of Literary Criticism

  4. 二元对立原则及其在文学批评中的运用

    The Principle of Binary Oppositions and Its Application to Literary Criticism

  5. 诗歌选本是一种极具包容性的文学批评形式。

    Poetry anthology is an extremely inclusiveness form of literary criticism .

  6. 网络文学批评与中国古代神韵批评

    On network literary criticism and Chinese ancient romantic charm criticism

  7. 从文学批评到文化批评:机遇还是厄运

    From Literary criticism to Cultural Criticism : Opportunity or Misfortune

  8. 延安文学批评与文学创作悖逆现象论

    On the Phenomenon of Literary Criticism Going against Literary Creation in Yan'an

  9. 关于文学批评研究的起点和途径

    On the Starting Point and Way of the Study of Literary Criticism

  10. 多角度观照下的中国女性主义文学批评实践

    The Female Criticism of Literature from Several Angle of Views

  11. 从对屈原的评价看汉代人的文学批评思想

    Han 's literary criticism thought seen from their appraisal of QU Yuan

  12. 第二部分围绕朱大可的文学批评展开,对其批评的特点进行了详细分析。

    The second part is around his criticism in a detailed analysis .

  13. 其次,从写作入手,分析了巴尔特的零度写作的理论和文学批评,也即巴尔特在写作中对中性思想的实践。

    Secondly , Analyzing the theory and literary criticism of writing zero-degree .

  14. 要想像他那样进行文学批评,我们就必须和他一样地大度和聪慧。

    To criticize like him one must be as generous and as wise .

  15. 但在文学批评史上,《沧浪诗话》也是一部争议不断的诗学著作。

    But the book also was controversial in the history of literary criticism .

  16. 道德不是文学批评的有效尺度

    Morality Is Not the Valid Criteria of Literary Criticism

  17. 媒体文学批评发展前瞻

    On the Prospect of the Criticism of Media Literature

  18. 中国文学批评的自戕与重构

    Suicide and Reconstruction of China 's Literary Criticism Theory

  19. 论《伟大的代码》的文学批评特色

    Characteristics of the Literary Criticism in The Great Code

  20. 百年中国女性文学批评论纲

    Chinese Feminist Literature Criticism Outline over the 20th Century

  21. 探寻中国现代文学批评建设的初程

    Explore the Incipience of Chinese Modern Literary Criticism Building

  22. 论沈从文的文学批评

    On SHEN Cong - wen ′ s Literary Criticism

  23. 浅析文学批评纳入文学史写作的可能性

    On the Possibility of Bringing Literary Criticism into the Writing of Literary History

  24. 李长之文学批评方法辨

    On the Method of Li Changzhi 's Literary Criticism

  25. 瑞恰兹的文学批评思想的形成。

    Formation of Richards ' thoughts on literature criticism .

  26. 以至形成文学批评的热点并一度得到盛赞。

    It then becomes the hottest approach of literary criticism and highly acclaimed .

  27. 《实用批评》在瑞恰兹的文学批评理论体系中的地位。

    Position of Practical Criticism in Richards ' theoretical system of literary criticism .

  28. 试论中国古代文学批评文体的特征及其成因

    Characteristics and Reasons on Chinese Ancient Literary Criticism Style

  29. 京派批评涵盖文学批评和其他各类艺术批评。

    Beijing School criticism consists of literature criticism and other kinds of art criticism .

  30. 因此,论文把文学批评本体定位在建构当代文学批评学的角度上加以研究,并且,将其置于广阔的社会文化背景之中进行。

    Besides I place the Critical Noumenon on the wide background of social culture .