
  1. 中国文学理论批评的当代品格有三方面的特征,一是以审美的社会价值论作为评价文学的基本准则,并对文学的人学内涵加以多角度地阐发;

    Three characteristics are revealed in the Chinese theoretic criticism of the contemporary literature : first , taking the aesthetic value as the basic norm to evaluate the literature ;

  2. 其原因为社会改革,西学东渐,文体发展和资产阶级改良派使然。在中国文学理论批评史上是一个光辉的里程碑。

    Which took shape by the social reformation , spread of western culture to the orient , the development of literal style , and the promotion from capital reformists .

  3. 中古文论在中国文学理论批评史上具有十分重要的地位,它标志着中国文学理论与批评的发展与成熟,被称为自觉的文学理论批评。

    Middle Ancient Literary Theory had an important position in Chinese Literary Theory and Criticism History , and it marked that the development and mature of Chinese Literary Theory and Criticism , and it was named " conscientious literary theory and criticism " .

  4. 中国传统文学理论批评的话语是道学系统;

    The speech of Chinese traditional literary theory criticism is of Tao ;

  5. 2004中国儿童文学理论批评综述

    Annual Theoretical Criticism Summary of China 's Children 's Literature in 2004

  6. 中国近代文学理论批评文体的演进

    The Development of the Style of Modern Chinese Literary Criticism

  7. 中国当代文学理论批评40年

    Chinese Modern Literary Theoretical Criticism within 40 Years

  8. 范畴在中国古代文学理论批评中占有重要的地位。

    Categories play an important role in the theoretic criticism of Chinese ancient literature .

  9. 中国当代文学理论批评史分为三个时期;

    The history of Chinese modern literary theoretical criticism can be classified into three periods .

  10. 从先秦到南朝,是中国古代文学理论批评从萌芽到成熟的第一阶段。

    From the Pre-Qin Period to South Dynasty , it is the first ripe stage of Chinese ancient literature theories and criticisms .

  11. 中国现代文学理论批评是从西方引进的,传统文论只在潜移默化之中起作用。

    Chinese contemporary literary theory criticism is recommended from the West , influenced by Chinese tradition unobtrusively , while its recommendation is omnibearing and imposing with a strict selection .

  12. 20世纪30年代是中国现代文学理论批评的发展和繁荣时期,而作家论是三十年代文学批评的主要形态之一。

    The 30 's in 20 centuries are the Chinese contemporary literature theories development and the prosperity periods , but the writer theory is one of the main appearances of the literary criticism of 30 's.

  13. 中国20世纪文学理论批评的历史、逻辑进程(上)

    History and Logical Process of Chinese 20 ~ ( th ) Century Literature Theory Critics ( Part ⅰ);

  14. 跨越与整合&中国两岸四地文学理论批评的总体观照

    Transcendence and Consolidation ── An Overall View of the Literature Criticism in the " Two Banks and Four Regions " of China

  15. 作为研究对象,中国文学批评史研究的是中国古代文学理论批评,因此对于西方来说,它是缺席;

    The object of studying on the history of Chinese literary criticism is the criticism about Chinese ancient literary theory , and therefore it is absent from the western point of view .

  16. 近代中国社会结构和文化形态的转型,导致了中国古代文学理论批评向现代转换的巨大变革。

    The transformation of social construction and cultural form in the Contemporary China led to the great modernistic reformation of the Chinese ancient literary criticism pattern .