
  • 网络chinese writer
  1. 转型期中国作家身份认同论略

    On the Recognition of Identities among Chinese Writers in Transformation Period

  2. 20世纪中国作家的形式感论纲

    The Sense of Literary Presentation of the Chinese Writers in the 20th Century

  3. 9位知名中国作家起诉苹果公司(Apple)销售其作品的非法版本。

    Nine well-known Chinese authors are suing apple ( AAPL ) for selling illegal versions of their works .

  4. 中国作家毕飞宇获得了2010年英仕曼亚洲文学奖(ManAsianLiteraryPrize),而他几乎没赶上周四举行的颁奖典礼。

    The winner of the the2010 Man Asian Literary Prize , Chinese author Bi Feiyu , almost didn 't attend the awards ceremony Thursday .

  5. 中国作家刘慈欣荣获了2015年最佳科幻小说雨果奖(HugoAward)。

    The Chinese writer Liu Cixin has won the 2015 Hugo Award for best science-fiction novel .

  6. 据世界科幻协会(WorldScienceFictionSociety)宣布,这是中国作家第一次获得这个久负盛名的奖项,也是第一次出现多部入围作品最初由英语以外的语言写成的情况。

    It is the first time the prestigious prize has gone to a Chinese writer and the first time that multiple finalists were originally written in languages other than English , the World Science Fiction Society announced .

  7. 在今后几个月,它计划出品多部新影片,包括定于今年10月发行的《黄金时代》(GoldenEra)(该片讲述了上世纪20年代中国作家的故事),以及3D史诗巨作《智取威虎山》(TheTakingofTigerMountain)。

    It planned a number of new releases in the coming months such as Golden Era , a film about China writers in the 1920s scheduled for release in October , and The Taking of Tiger Mountain , a 3D epic .

  8. 影片根据中国作家姜戎的同名小说改编,可谓一部3D史诗巨制。故事讲述了20世纪60年代,北京知青陈阵(冯绍峰饰)和杨克(窦骁饰)在内蒙古草原插队时与牧民群落相依相存的故事。

    Based on Jiang Rong 's novel of the same name , the 3-D adventure epic is about Chen Zhen ( Feng Shaofeng ) and Yang Ke ( Shawn Dou ) being sent from Beijing to Inner Mongolia in the 1960s to live with a nomadic tribe .

  9. 这部续集是根据已故中国作家王度庐的小说《铁骑银瓶》(IronKnight,SilverVase)改编的,《铁骑银瓶》与《卧虎藏龙》都是“鹤——铁五部曲”中的作品。

    The sequel is based on the novel " Iron Knight , Silver Vase , " by the late Chinese writer Wang Dulu , part of the " Crane-Iron Pentalogy " series that also included " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon . "

  10. 劳马将长篇小说比喻为老虎,短篇小说则是四处躲藏的老鼠。谈到对《个别人》的看法,他援引2012年诺贝尔文学奖(Nobelliterature)得主中国作家莫言的话说,没有二十万字以上的篇幅,长篇小说就缺少应有的威严。

    Mr. Lao offered up the comparison that full-length novels are tigers , while short stories are ' near rats . ' In his forward to ' Individuals , ' he cites Chinese writer and 2012 Nobel literature laureate Mo Yan as saying a novel with less than 200000 words lacks dignity . '

  11. 这是中国作家首次对谷歌提出诉讼,凸显出谷歌构建数字图书馆计划依然存在的风险。这个图书馆可以为iTunes图书程序奠定基础,并可能改变整个出版行业的面貌。

    The case , the first brought against Google by a Chinese writer , underlines the risks that remain to Google 's plan to build a digital library which could lay the groundwork for an iTunes of books ' and potentially transform the publishing industry .

  12. 1998年的今天,中国作家、学者钱钟书逝世。

    1998-Qian Zhongshu , a Chinese writer and scholar was dead .

  13. 中国作家协会会员、诗人。

    As a poet and a member of China Writers'Association , Mr.

  14. 廿世纪中国作家传统文化心态论析

    The Traditional Mentality of China 's Men-of-Letters in the 20th Century

  15. 它是以一位著名的中国作家老舍的名字命名的。

    It 's named after a famous Chinese writer , Lao She .

  16. 中国作家协会会员,上海作家协会理事。

    He is a member of China Writers'Association and syndic of Shanghai Writers'Association .

  17. 你知道闻名中国作家王蒙吗?

    Do you know this Chinese writer , whose name is Wang Meng .

  18. 在当代中国作家中,张爱玲是一个独特的现象。

    In the contemporary Chinese writers , Eileen Chang is a unique phenomenon .

  19. 中国作家王小波的西方资源

    The Western Resources of the Chinese Writer Wang Xiao-bo

  20. 20世纪中国作家和学人提出了新的观念,属于中国自己的创造;

    Chinese writers and scholars have put forward new ideas , creating new tradition .

  21. 乱世怨女梦&战时中国作家的一种写作方式

    A writing type of chinese writers in wartime

  22. 为中国作家协会和国际笔会(北京中心)成员。

    He is now member of China Writers'Association and PEN ( Beijing Center ) .

  23. 1978年6月12日,中国作家、学者郭沫若逝世,享年86岁。

    Chinese writer and scholar Guo Moruo died on june12th at the age of86 .

  24. 它甚至可以帮助真正的中国作家赢得诺贝尔奖。

    It will probably help real Chinese writers to win the Nobel prizes too .

  25. 主流价值观与20世纪中国作家的思想历程

    On the main Value concept and the thoughts of the 20 century Chinese writers

  26. 民族因素,一直影响着中国作家的写作。

    The factor of nationality has always been influencing the Chinese writers ' creation .

  27. 以此来反观当代中国作家和读者的现状,伯尔的写作姿态不失为一种警示。

    Boll 's writing can be a warning for the contemporary Chinese writers and readers .

  28. 中国作家的道德底线

    The Moral Base Line of Chinese Writers

  29. 在19世纪末,中国作家开始广泛地研究外国诗歌。

    Towards the end of the nineteenth century Chinese writers started reading more foreign poetry .

  30. 中国作家的重庆礼赞

    Chinese Writers ' Respectful Praise of Chongqing