
  1. 於梨华留学生文学创作心灵嬗变的轨迹

    Changeable characters of overseas students literature creation by Yu li-hua

  2. 论美国华文文学中的留学生题材小说&以於梨华、查建英、严歌苓为例

    On Overseas Students Fiction of Chinese Literature in America

  3. 一曲自我放逐的悲歌&论於梨华的“留学生文学”

    An elegy of self exile & on Yu lihua 's " student-studying-abroad literature "

  4. 於梨华小说的自我书写

    Self-writing of Yu Lihua 's Novels

  5. 台湾当代的留学生文学是由於梨华的《又见棕榈,又见棕榈》而形成风气的。

    Modem Taiwan literature on students studying abroad originated in Yu Lihua 's book Seeing the Palm Once More .

  6. 留学生文学:定义和区分於梨华留学生文学创作心灵嬗变的轨迹

    A Definition and Distinction Toward Overseas Students ' Literature Changeable characters of overseas students literature creation by Yu li-hua

  7. 有学者将於梨华定位于现代派作家,但实际上无论在审美观点还是技巧运用上,她都不是一个纯粹的现代派。

    Yu Lihua is regarded as a modernist writer but this article argues that she is not a pure modernist .

  8. 时代与人性之间的不懈探索&於梨华小说的家族史阅读

    The Untiring Exploration between " Era " and " Human Nature " & Use " Family 's History " to Read Yu Li-hua 's Novel

  9. 文章拟从作者人生的三个阶段,展现了不同时期,於梨华通过自己不同风格的作品完成的自我书写式的创作。

    From the above three periods this essay will show Yu Lihua accomplishes her " self-writing mode " literature through her works with different styles in different time .

  10. 於梨华小说的创作主题是表现无根的一代和觉醒的一代,同时以批判的态度审视了东西方文化的弊端。

    The theme of Yu 's work is the " rootless generation " and the " waking generation " and a criticism of the evils of the eastern and western cultures .

  11. 留学生文学鼻祖於梨华心灵嬗变的轨迹与留学生文学的形成、发展密切相关。

    It 's closely related between the changing track in Yu Lihua 's soul who is originator of overseas students literature and the formation and development of literature for overseas students .
